Windows commands

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help or /?
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get more information
help chkdsk
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List files and directories
/s show subirectories /h show hidden files
Use backslash \ to specify volume or folder name
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Change working directory
Two dots/periods
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The folder above the current folder
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Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Manage Windows Imaging Format (WIM) files
shutdown /s /t nn
/r /s /t /a
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Wait nn seconds, then shutdown
/r restart, /s shutdown. / t timer, /a abort
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Scan integrity of all protected system files
sfc /scannow
ipconfig /all, ipconfig /release, ipconfig /renew
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Determine TCP/IP and network adapter information
View additional configuration details, DNS servers, DHCP server, etc.
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Test reachability
One of your primary troubleshooting tools Can you ping the host?
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Determine the route a packet takes to a destination
The time in TTL refers to hops
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show active connections
-a Displays all connections and listening ports, -b Show binaries (Windows), -n Do not resolve names
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Lookup information from DNS servers
Lookup names and IP addresses
net view
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View network resources
• net view \\<servername> • net view /workgroup:<workgroupname>
net use
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Map a network share to a drive letter
net use h: \\<servername>\<sharename>
net user
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View user account information and reset passwords
net user <username>

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