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question réponse
chi hai visto?
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who did you see?
qualcosa è caduto dallo scaffale. cosa è caduto dallo scaffale?
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something fell off the shelf. What fell off the shelf?
chi vuole vedermi?
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Who wants to see me?
chi conosce la risposta?
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who knows the answer?
cosa ha fatto (lei)?
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what did she do?
qualcosa mi ha svegliato. cosa ti ha svegliato?
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something woke me up. what woke you up?
ho visto qualcuno. chi hai visto?
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I saw somebody. who did you see?
qualcuno ha la mia penna. Chi ha la tua penna?
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somebody has got my pen. who has got your pen?
cosa significa questa parola?
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what does this word mean?
chi ti ha telefonato l'altra notte?
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who phoned you last night?
Ho chiesto a qualcuno. A chi hai chiesto? cosa ti ha detto?
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I asked somebody. Who did you ask? What did he say?
chi hai telefonato l'altra notte?
commencer à apprendre
who did you phone last night?

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