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seek favor by fawning or flattery. He tried courting a favor from the librarian by bringing her freshly baked cookies, hoping she'd waive his late fees." commencer à apprendre
As a doctor, she felt duty-bound to provide care to all her patients, regardless of their background." commencer à apprendre
The children were cooped up inside all day because of the rain." commencer à apprendre
Uwięziony na łodzi, w kurniku!
commencer à apprendre
obraźliwie o wieśniakach z Irlandii walii
Power: A leader might cede all of their political power. commencer à apprendre
i have a sneaking suspicion commencer à apprendre
love will splinter and rot commencer à apprendre
miłość rozpadnie się i zgnije
commencer à apprendre
The sorcerer's power-wrought spell transformed the landscape." commencer à apprendre
remembrance of the things we should not forget commencer à apprendre
"The conductor aimed to meld the flows of the different musical sections into a harmonious whole commencer à apprendre
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The children quickly established a clear pecking order on the playground." commencer à apprendre
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The journey through the desert was an awful ordeal." commencer à apprendre
i have mused upon the past commencer à apprendre
rozmyślałem nad przeszłością
That was a close call; I almost missed my flight. commencer à apprendre
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commencer à apprendre
wyglądasz jak prawdziwy mężczyzna
The Wheel of Time weaves as it wills, shaping the destinies of men and women." commencer à apprendre
It was the support she engendered that allowed the project to move forward." commencer à apprendre
After that accident, his career was as good as dead." commencer à apprendre
my family is hatching a plan commencer à apprendre
It felt like my heart was ripped out when they moved away." commencer à apprendre
codswallop, in my opinion commencer à apprendre
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After the CEO retired, it was difficult to find someone who could fill his shoes." commencer à apprendre
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żelazny sojusz, pancernik
there is no going back to the cloistred life inside palace walls commencer à apprendre
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that falls squarely on you commencer à apprendre
they wear the grief until it seeps in commencer à apprendre
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zobacz jak to się rozwija
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how can we discount her power commencer à apprendre
jak możemy deprecjonować jej moc
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hinder you from fullfilling your destiny commencer à apprendre
return to their holds at peace commencer à apprendre
powrócić do swych twierdz w pokoju
from complencency at what they think commencer à apprendre
od samozadowolenia z tego, co myślą
they are pledged to rhuidian commencer à apprendre
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manner of things will be well commencer à apprendre
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uprawiane pod twoimi stopami
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