What's Your Name?

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One są na imprezie
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They are at a party
Jestem taka szczęśliwa że jesteśmy tutaj
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I'm so happy we're here
Chcę tańczyć
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I want to dance
Ja nie tańczę
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I do not dance
Kto to jest? On jest słodki
that nie sweet
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Who's that? He is cute
On jest z mojej klasy nauk ścisłych
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He's from my science class
To jest jego impreza
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This is his party
Jak on ma na imię?
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What's his name?
Nie wiem
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I don't know
Cześć, czy możemy porozmawiać z tobą?
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Hello, can we talk to you?
Co robisz?
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What are you doing?
Teraz on porozmawia z nami
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Now he's going talk to us
Nie pamiętam jego imienia
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I don't remember his name
On idzie tu teraz
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He's coming here now
Czy jesteś podekscytowana naszym egzaminem z nauk ścisłych?
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Are you excited for our science exam?
Jestem taka podekscytowana!
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I'm so excited!
On patrzy na Zari
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He looks at Zari
Zari patrzy na Lily
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Zari looks at Lily
Lily nie mówi nic
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Lily doesn't say anything
Miło Cię poznać
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Nice to meet you
Jak masz na imię?
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What's your name?
Lily nie pamięta tego!
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Lily doesn't remember it!

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