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 0    15 fiche    Antek Morag
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dog, kot and piza
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dog, kot and piza
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walcz do końca
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fight to the end
pies walcz z piłkami na trampolinie a potwór patrzy
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dog fight with balls on the trampoline while the monster is watching
brzydki pies pije wode
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the ugly dog is drinking water
co to drzewo i pies króla
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what is the tree and the king's dog
król wygrał przegrywając
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the king won by losing
kot pije wodw z fontany z której leci złoto
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the cat drinks water from the fountain from which the gold flows
to je krowe i jest muchą
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it eats a cow and is a fly
bomba wybuchła w kopalni na szczęście nikomu nic się nie stało
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Fortunately, a bomb exploded in the mine was fine
złoto. co?
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gold. What?
jem pszenicę i pije całą butelke piwa
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I eat wheat and drink a whole bottle of beer
uśmiecha się do lustra i mówi ciągle to samo
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smiles at the mirror and says the same thing over and over
alfabet co to
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alphabet what is it
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