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control the purse strings
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iść spać z powodu zmęczenia commencer à apprendre
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commencer à apprendre
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przynieść błoto pod butami commencer à apprendre
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nauczyć się jak coś działa commencer à apprendre
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She whipped through the ECL test without any problems
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pomagać komuś w potrzebie commencer à apprendre
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His wife is always on him for spending so much money.
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mieć talent do robienia czegoś commencer à apprendre
have a knack for doing something
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jestem na skraju nerwów bo nie mogę tego rozwiązać commencer à apprendre
I'm at my wit's end trying to figure out the problem with my computer
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drive someone up the wall
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zajęcia skupione na konkretnym temacie commencer à apprendre
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ilość spodziewanych szkod commencer à apprendre
A certain amount of wear and tear is pretty normal when renting an apartament
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zniszczyć coś przez nieuwagę commencer à apprendre
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I can't believe that you fell for that false advertisement.
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used to Say that do not believe someone explenation or attitude commencer à apprendre
your excuse that your dog ale your homework won't wash with the teacher
a raised area where you can sit commencer à apprendre
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drugorzędny, słabej jakości commencer à apprendre
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włala... satisfied completion commencer à apprendre
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know someone through and through
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mieć powazny problem w związku commencer à apprendre
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My brother reffered me to this doctor
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go over like a lead balloon
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parental guidance (powyżej 13 lat) commencer à apprendre
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commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
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pojawić się, wyłaniać sie commencer à apprendre
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