We should all grow fat and be happy

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question English réponse English
to force yourself to do sth you're afraid of
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to pluck up the courage to do sth
delicate and light
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of course (spoken)
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by all means
a group (BrE)
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a lot
to refuse sth because it wasn't good enough
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to turn sb's nose up at sth
to jump on sth
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to leap on sth
sticking out (formal)
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to stick out from somewhere
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to potrude
only this
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a person who encourages a particular activity, especially one that causes troubl
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a monger
an old British coin, the shilling, worth 12 old pence
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a guinea
a style
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a fad
lack of proper nutrition
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to hit sth or sb many times, especially with your fists
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to pummel
something concocted
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to make sth unusual, especially food, by mixing things together
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to concoct
to eat sth quickly because you're very hungry
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to devour
to start eating sth, especially with enthusiasm
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to tuck into
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to make you suffer by doing sth unpleasant to yourself
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to reach
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to attain
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