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question język polski réponse język polski
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zwiastowanie sw. anny Giotto
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kopula katedry Santa Maria del Fiore Filippo Brunelleschi
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L'ospedale degli innocenti florencja filippo brunelleschi
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kosciol san lorenzo, brunelleschi
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Stara zachrystia, brunelleschi
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Kaplica Pazzich, Brunelleschi
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dawid w marmurze, donatello
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Św. Jerzy, donatello
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św marek, donatello
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prorok Habakuk, donatello
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uczta Heroda, donatello
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tonda w kościele san lorenzo, donatello
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drzwi w starej zachrystii san lorenzo, donatello
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dawid w brazie, donatello
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pomnik konny gattamelaty, donatello
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Maria Magdalena, donatello
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Judyta i Holofernes, donatello
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Ambona w san lorenzo, męczeństwo sw Wawrzyńca, donatello
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wygnanie z raju, masaccio
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grosz czynszowy, masaccio
Co to jest?
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św trójca, masaccio

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