Ważne czasowniki nieregularne - podaj drugą i trzecią formę podanych czasowników.

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question American English réponse American English
be - być
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be - was/were - been
become - stać się
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become - became - become
begin - zaczynać
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begin - began - begun
bite - gryźć
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bite - bit - bitten
blow - dmuchać, wiać
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blow - blew - blown
break - łamać
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break - broke - broken
bring - przynosić
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bring - brought - brought
build - budować
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build - built - built
burn - palić, spalać
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burn - burned/burnt - burned/burnt
buy - kupować
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buy - bought - bought
catch - łapać
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catch - caught - caught
choose - wybierać
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choose - chose - chosen
come - przychodzić
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come - came - come
cost - kosztować
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cost - cost - cost
cut - ciąć
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cut - cut - cut
do - robić
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do - did - done
draw - ciągnąć, rysować
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draw - drew - drawn
dream - śnić, marzyć
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dream - dreamed/dreamt - dreamed/dreamt
drink - pić
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drink - drank - drunk
drive - prowadzić
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drive - drove - driven
eat - jeść
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eat - ate - eaten
fall - upadać
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fall - fell - fallen
feed - karmić
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feed - fed - fed
fight - walczyć
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fight - fought - fought
find - znajdować
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find - found - found
fly - latać
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fly - flew - flown
forget - zapominać
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forget - forgot - forgotten
forgive - wybaczać
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forgive - forgave - forgiven
freeze - marznąć
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freeze - froze - frozen
get - dostawać
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get - got - gotten/got
give - dawać
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give - gave - given
go - iść, jechać
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go - went - gone
have - mieć
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have - had - had
hear - słyszeć
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hear - heard - heard
keep - trzymać, zachować
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keep - kept - kept
know - wiedzieć, znać
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know - knew - known
lay - kłaść
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lay - laid - laid
lie - leżeć
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lie - lay - lain
learn - uczyć się
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learn - learned/learnt - learned/learnt
leave - opuszczać, zostawiać, wyjeżdżać
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leave - left - left
lend - pożyczać (komuś)
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lend - lent - lent
let - pozwalać
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let - let - let
lose - tracić
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lose - lost - lost
make - robić, produkować
commencer à apprendre
make - made - made

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