
 0    18 fiche    robertbanaszak4
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settle accounts
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I would like
chciałbym zapłacić za rachunek gotówką
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I would like to pay the bill in cash
chciałbym zamówic busa
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I would like to order a bus
moze Pani przyslac samochod pod stok
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you can send a car to the slope
czy napijesz sie z nami
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will you have a drink with us
poproszę dwa razy to samo
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I would like the same twice, please
ja tego nie zamawialem
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I didn't order it
czy mogę złożyć zamówienie
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Can I place an order?
dokąd jedzie ten autobus?
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where is this bus going?
czy zawiezie mnie pan do lotnisko
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will you take me to the airport
poprosze biale wino i dwie wody na pokoj nr trzysta trzydzieści jeden
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white wine and two water, please, for room three hundred and thirty-one
podzielić rachunek
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split the bill
chcielibyśmy podzielić rachunek
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we would like to split the bill
uregulować rachunek
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settle the bill
osobno, oddzielnie
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podzielic rachunek, placimy osobno
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split the bill, we pay separately
płacimy osobno
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we pay separately

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