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Die Bäckerei
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The bakery
Die Metzgerei
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The butcher
der markt
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the market
das pfund
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the pound
das gramm
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the gram
die menge
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the amount
das Stück
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the piece
die dose
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the tin
die packung
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the package
die packung
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the package
die flasche
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the bottle
die tafel
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the bar
das Olivenöl
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olive oil
die schokolade
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the chocolate
das rindfleisch
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the beefsteak
das Hähnchen
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the chicken
das mehl
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the flour
der mais
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the corn
das lebensmittel
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the food
Wann bekomme ich meine Speise?
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When will I get my food?
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for nothing
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der kuchen
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the cake
das Stück
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the price
Ich habe vergessen, Einkäufe zu machen.
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To forget
I forgot to do the shopping.
die Tüte
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the bag
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to cut something
die Hälfte
commencer à apprendre
the half
commencer à apprendre
get | back

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