Vocabulary 9

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question réponse
podnieść rękę
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raise one’s hand
In the meeting, participants are encouraged to raise their hands if they have any questions or comments
sztywny, niezmienny
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rigid / inflexible
The company's rigid policies hindered innovation and adaptability in response to market changes
niepotrafiący się przystosować
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unadaptable / inadaptable
His unadaptable nature made it difficult for him to thrive in dynamic work environments
postrzegać, spostrzegać
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perceive / see
How do you perceive the current market trends affecting our industry?
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The company struggles to meet the supply demands of its customers during peak seasons
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There is a high demand for skilled professionals in the technology sector
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Feeling tired and stressed, she couldn't help but yawn during the presentation
stan osobowy, liczenie głów (osób obecnych)
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Times were hard and the company was unwilling to increase the headcount (= employ new people)
spełnić wymóg
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fulfil a requirement
The company must fulfill the requirement of having a certain number of certified employees by the end of the quarter
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The deadline for the project was fast approaching, and everyone was feeling stressed about completing it on time
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The deadline for the project was approaching rapidly, and the team found the workload increasingly stressful

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