vocabulary 2.1

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skorumpowany gliniarz
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bent copper
ujawnic, zdemaskowac kogos
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blow somebody’s cover
namierzyc pozycje
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calculate the position
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poniesc cala odpowiedzialnosc
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carry the can
zlapac kogos na goracym uczynku
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catch somebody red-handed
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chase/ pursuit
sprawdzac alibi
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corroborate an alibi
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zanurzyc sie, wtopic sie w
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embed yourself in
prowadzic sledztwo w jakims kierunku
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follow a line of enquiry
dojsc do sedna czegos
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get to the bottom of something
chodzic od drzwi do drzwi
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go door- to- door
odpowiedziec za cos
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go down for something
doniesc na kogos
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grass somebody up

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