Vocabular pentru TOEFL 301 - 325

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question réponse
It is very likely that it will rain today.
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probabil; potrivit
E foarte probabil că va ploua azi.
Taylor could not resist the lure of fame.
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ispită, ademenire
Taylor nu a putut rezista ispitelor faimei.
This dress is ludicrous!
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absurd, ridicol
Rochia e ridicolă!
Mommy's lullabies are the sweetest.
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cântec de leagăn
Cântecele de leagăn ale mamei sunt cele mai dulci.
The migration of birds is a regular phenomenon.
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a migra, a se muta
Migrația păsărilor este un fenomen regular.
The ground is moist after the rain.
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Pământul este umed după ploaie.
The teacher showed us a new solving method.
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Profesorul ne-a arătat o nouă metodă de rezolvare.
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