Virtual girlfriend and surveillance

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petite amie virtuelle et surveillance
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Virtual girlfriend and surveillance
gaspillage d'argent
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waste of money
monde imaginaire
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world of fantasy
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substitute for
manque de chaleur
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lack of warmth
manque de discussion
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lack of discussion
être coupé de
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be cut off from (+GN)
faire face à la réalité
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face reality
construire une relation
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build a realtionship
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tranquillité d'esprit
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peace of mind
digne de confiance
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responsible/ reliable
se sentir rassuré
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feel reassured
limiter sa liberté
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limit one's freedom
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commencer à apprendre
spy on
faire confiance à quelqu'un
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trust somebody
craindre/avoir peur
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fear /be afraid of
imaginer le pire
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imagine the worst
éviter de
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keep from (+V-ing)
empêcher de
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prevent from (+V-ing)
être pour son propre bien
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be for one's own good

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