Verbling - Michael

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question English réponse English
commencer à apprendre
not needed anymore
steady stream
commencer à apprendre
a constant flow
to zero in on something
commencer à apprendre
to focus on something
to speak up
commencer à apprendre
to speak louder
to build on
commencer à apprendre
to develop
commencer à apprendre
the end of a finger
in one ear and out the other
commencer à apprendre
to hear something but no remember it
to inch toward
commencer à apprendre
to move slowly in a direction
to grasp
commencer à apprendre
to grab
to assemble (puzzle)
commencer à apprendre
to gather, accumulate
to consolidate
commencer à apprendre
to strengthen
commencer à apprendre
readable, clear
commencer à apprendre
a sudden and important discovery or development
commencer à apprendre
to defeat using intelligence/przechytrzyć
on the cusp of/on the verge of
commencer à apprendre
on the edge
to lead the way in (robotics)
commencer à apprendre
to be the leader (in robotics)

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