verb +prepositions 2

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commencer à apprendre
absent from (school, work, the meeting)
lepszy od
commencer à apprendre
better at (sport than me, maths)
commencer à apprendre
guilty of (wasting time, not listening)
chętny do (zwolennink)
commencer à apprendre
keen on (football, fashion, making models)
późno na
commencer à apprendre
late for (the meeting, work, school)
w przeciwieństwie do
commencer à apprendre
opposed to (this scheme, paying so much)
zadowolona z
commencer à apprendre
satisfied with (the result, what I've done)
podobny do
commencer à apprendre
similar to (my dress, what I saw)
przepraszam za
commencer à apprendre
sorry for (yourself, what I said)
nadaje się do
commencer à apprendre
suitable for (handicapped people, children)
podejrzenie o
commencer à apprendre
suspicion of (strangers, everything he says)
przerażony czymś
commencer à apprendre
terrified of (missing the train, being alone)
okropny w
commencer à apprendre
terrible at (mathematics, spelling)
commencer à apprendre
tired of (this weather, waiting)
brakuje czegoś
commencer à apprendre
short of (money, breath, time)

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