Vegetables - Legume

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She served sandwiches with avocado.
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un avocado
Botanically, it is a fruit but considered to be a vegetable in the culinary sense.
Ea a servit sandvișuri cu avocado.
We forgot to buy three peppers.
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un ardei
Botanically, it is a fruit but considered to be a vegetable in the culinary sense.
Am uitat să cumpărăm trei ardei.
chili pepper
A chili pepper is spicy.
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un ardei iute
Botanically, it is a fruit but considered to be a vegetable in the culinary sense.
Un ardei iute este picant.
corn kernel
When boiling, add the corn kernels.
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o boabă de porumb
Botanically, it is a fruit but considered to be a vegetable in the culinary sense.
Adaugă niște boabe de porumb atunci când fierbe.
I bought cucumbers instead of zucchinis by mistake.
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un castravete
Botanically, it is a fruit but considered to be a vegetable in the culinary sense.
Am cumpărat accidental castraveți în loc de zucchini.
I had no idea that eggplant is a fruit.
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o vânătă
Botanically, it is a fruit but considered to be a vegetable in the culinary sense.
Habar n-aveam că vânăta e un fruct.
Do you like seedless olives?
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o măslină
Botanically, it is a fruit but considered to be a vegetable in the culinary sense.
Îți plac măslinele fără sâmburi?
It's been ages since I ate raw peas.
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un bob de mazăre
Botanically, it is a fruit but considered to be a vegetable in the culinary sense.
N-am mai mâncat boabe de mazăre necoapte de mult timp.
I am cooking pumpkin soup.
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un dovleac
Botanically, it is a fruit but considered to be a vegetable in the culinary sense.
Prepar supă de dovleac.
He doesn't like squash's taste.
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un dovlecel
Botanically, it is a fruit but considered to be a vegetable in the culinary sense.
Lui nu-i place gustul dovlecelului.
Bruschetta is usually served with tomatoes and olive oil.
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o roșie
Botanically, it is a fruit but considered to be a vegetable in the culinary sense.
Bruschetele sunt adesea servite cu roșii și ulei de măsline.
I just love meals made of zucchini.
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un zucchini
Iubesc mâncărurile cu zucchini.
Carrot contain a lot of beta-carotene.
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un morcov
Morcovul conține multă betacarotenă.
Beans are basic product of British cuisine.
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o boabă de fasole
Fasolea reprezintă elementul de bază al bucătăriei britanice.
green bean
I always buy green bean in my friend's grocery.
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o boabă de fasole verde
Mereu cumpăr fasole verde de la alimentara prietenului meu.
I haven't finished beetroot soup yet!
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o sfeclă roșie
Nu mi-am terminat încă supa de sfeclă roșie.
Brussels sprout
As a child I hated Brussels sprout.
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o varză de Bruxelles
Uram varza de Bruxelles când eram copil.
She uses cauliflower as meat substitute.
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o conopidă
Ea consumă conopidă în loc de carne.
Today we will cook a broccoli soup.
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un broccoli
Astăzi vom găti o supă de broccoli.
Chips are made of fried potatoes.
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un cartof
Chipsurile sunt făcute din cartofi prăjiți.
Is there any cabbage left?
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o varză de Bruxelles
A mai rămas varză?
red cabbage
Add red cabbage to the salad.
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o varză roșie
Adaugă varză roșie la salată.
chinese cabbage
He has mistaken chinese cabbage with savoy cabbage.
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o varză chinezească
El a confundat varza chinezească cu varza creață.
savoy cabbage
Bring three savoy cabbages.
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o varză creață
Adu trei verze crețe.
iceberg lettuce
I would like to buy one iceberg lettuce.
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o salată iceberg
Aș dori să cumpăr o salată iceberg.
cos (lettuce)
Cos lies next to tomatoes.
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o salată Romaine
Salata Romaine se află lângă roșii.
Endive has a very beneficial effect on the digestive system.
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o andivă
Andivele au efect foarte benefic asupra sistemului digestiv.
sea lettuce
We do not have sea lettuce.
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o algă de mare
Nu avem alge de mare.
Put some lettuce on our sandwiches.
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o salată
Pune niște salată pe sandvișuri.
sweet potato
Sweet potatoes are getting more and more popular.
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un cartof dulce
Cartofii dulci devin tot mai populari.
In the Panamanian jungle, I saw a yucca plantation.
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o yucca
În jungla din Panama am văzut o planație de yucca.
In Latin America, Africa and some asian countries cassava is a basic food product.
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un manioc
În America Latină, Africa și alte țări asiatice, maniocul e mâncare de bază.
Celery is the major ingredient of this salad.
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o ceapă verde
Ceapa verde este ingredientul principal din această salată.
Wash the leek well.
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un praz
Spală bine prazul.
Can you distinguish parsley from dill?
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un pătrunjel
Poți face diferența dintre pătrunjel și mărar?
Chop the dill finely.
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un mărar
Toacă fin mărarul.
turnip cabbage
He likes all vegetables beside turnip cabbage.
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o varză de napi
Lui îi plac toate legumele în afară de varza de napi.
I can't stop crying while chopping an onion.
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o ceapă
Nu mă pot opri din plâns când toc ceapă.

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