Vänner och familj (samtal) - Friends and family (dialogues)

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question réponse
Jag skulle vilja att morfar kommer i morgon.
Farfar kommer på söndag.
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I'd like grandpa to come tomorrow.
Grandfather's coming on Sunday.
Jag skulle vilja besöka Adam i helgen.
Vad sägs om lördag morgon?
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I'd like to visit Adam at the weekend.
How about on Saturday morning?
Kan vi besöka mormor?
Ja, när skulle du vilja gå?
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Can we visit grandma?
Yes, when would you like to go?
Kan vi se Julia imorgon kväll?
Vad sägs om måndag?
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Can we see Julia tomorrow evening?
How about on Monday?
När kommer mormor?
På tisdag.
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When is grandma coming?
On Tuesday.
Kan vi besöka Mark?
Hum, kanske i helgen?
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Can we visit Mark?
Hmm, maybe at the weekend?
Går vi till moster Agatas idag?
Nej, älskling. Vi ska gå denna helg.
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Are we going to auntie Agata's today?
No, sugar. We're going to go at the weekend.
+8 fiche
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"Engelska för barn"
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