Måltid (samtal) - Dinnertime (dialogues)

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question réponse
Måste jag äta potatisarna?
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Do I have to eat the potatoes?
Of course.
Har vi några kakor?
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Do we have any biscuits?
Kan du laga potatisplättor?
Förlåt, älskling, vi har inga potatis.
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Can you make potato pancakes?
I'm sorry, honey, we don't have any potatoes.
Kan du ge mig lite sallad?
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Can you give me some salad?
Here you are.
Kan du ge mig en tallrik?
En stor eller en liten?
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Can you give me a plate?
A big or a small one?
Måste jag äta grönsakerna?
Prova bara.
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Do I have to eat the vegetables?
Just try some.
Kan jag få fler fiskpinnar?
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Can I have some more fish fingers?
Of course.
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"Engelska för barn"
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