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tędy wchodzisz
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you go in here
tędy wychodzisz
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you go out here
Jest wile różnych znakow na publiczne toalety
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There are many different signs for public toilets.
chcesz troche chleba?
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do you want some bread?
W Chinach większość ludzi je ryż
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In China, most people eat rice
We Włoszech makaron jest bardzo popularny
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In Italy, pasta is very popular.
Wielu ludzi je mięso i ryby prawie codziennie
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Many people eat meat and fish almost every day
Wielu młodych ludzi kocha hot-dogi, hamburgery i pizze
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Many young people love hot-dogs, hamburgers and pizzas
Większość brytyjczyków lubi ryby oraz czipsy
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Most British people like fish and chips
Warzywa są dobre dla Ciebie.
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Vegetables are good for you.
Ej, rudy! Podejdź tu!
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Hey, redhead! Come here!
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a carrot
Twoja fasola jest lepsza nic cokolwiek co do tej pory jedliśmy z puszki.
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Your bean is better than anything we've ever eaten from the can.
fasola, ziarna
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Nie lubię fasoli, ma okropny smak.
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I do not like beans, it has a terrible taste.
Kocham zapach ziaren kawy.
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. I love the smell of coffee beans.
"Ile ci zapłacił?" "Prawie nic."
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"How much did he pay you?" "Almost nothing."
"Jak dużo zjadłeś?" "Niewiele."
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"How much did you eat?" "Beans."
Ona ugryzła ziarenko kakao i było gorzkie.
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She bit the cocoa powder and it was bitter.
Twój głupi łeb tego nie pojmie.
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Your stupid bean will not understand that.
Ona walnęła go w głowę patelnią.
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She hit him on the head with a pan.
laska wanilii
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vanilla pod
ziarno kawy
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coffee bean
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gentle, tame
Orkiestra stroiła swoje instrumenty.
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The orchestra tuned its instruments.

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