
 0    17 fiche    magdalenawojarska
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question réponse
czas na
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it's time for
do zobaczenia
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See you later!
czy możesz powtórzyć?
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can you repeat that, please?
Czy może mi pan pomóc
commencer à apprendre
can you help me please
commencer à apprendre
excuse me
Wydaje mi się że
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I think it's
Przykro mi nie wiem
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I'm sorry I don't know
Co znaczy
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what does ... mean?
jak po angielsku powiedzieć
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what is... in English?
Brzmi nieźle
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I like the sound of that
głowa do góry
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keep your chin up?
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Poor you.
numer telefonu
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and your phone number?
Czy mogę zamówić pizzę
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Can I order a pizza, please?
będzie za 30 minut
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it will be with you in 30 minutes
jaki rozmiar
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what size
Jaki jest twój adres?
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What’s your address?

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