0 Personne aime ça. Polub!

piotraulich piotraulich

Utilisation de VocApp2643jours. J'apprends de VocApp9jours, y compris de façon constante depuis0jours. Je suis l'auteur17ensembles. La dernière fois que vous pourriez me voir2024-12-03 11:10:03.

Mes intérêts


Mes fiches

0000 Irregular verbs ang
0001 Irregular verbs ang
0010 Irregular verbs ang
0011 Irregular verbs ang
0012 Irregular verbs ang
0013 To be
0014 have got, have
0002 Irregular verbs ang
0003 Irregular verbs ang
0004 Irregular verbs ang
0005 Irregular verbs ang
0006 Irregular verbs ang
0007 Irregular verbs ang
0008 Irregular verbs ang
0009 Irregular verbs ang
0015 Boys children volves liczba mnoga
0016 liczba mnoga wyjątki

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