0 Personne aime ça. Polub!

wwlsylwia wwlsylwia

Utilisation de VocApp775jours. J'apprends de VocApp64jours, y compris de façon constante depuis0jours. Je suis l'auteur69ensembles. La dernière fois que vous pourriez me voir2025-03-04 07:22:31.

Mes intérêts

anglais, espagnol

Mes fiches

Lekcja 1 8th February
Lekcja 2 11th February
Lekcja 3 12th February
Lekcja 4 15th February
Lekcja 6 18th February
Lekcja 7 23 rd February
Lekcja 8 25th February
meeting up with a friend
Lekcja 8 26th February
Lekcja 10 4th March
lekcja 11
Lekcja 13 11th March
16th March
18th March
26th March
29th March
1st April
11th 12th Aprill
16th April
19th Aprill
15th Aprill
Past Simple or Present Simple
Giving advice
23rd April
4th may
5th May
9th May
14th May
17th May
24th May
20th May
21th May
26th May
4th June
6th June
10th June
11th June
15th June
17th June
18th June
24 th June
25th June
7th July
8th July
9th July
Crime and punishment
15th July
20th July
22nd July
23th July
nowe workbook
12th November
eating in ... and out
How birth order infuences your personality
lekcja 1 Bartek
Spending money
strong adjectives
Survive the drive
Dependent prepositions
Bad manners?
lekcja 2 Bartek
Yes, I can!
Por tierra, mar y aire
Sporting superstitions 5A

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