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Dawno się nie widzieliśmy.
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Long time no see.
Wygląda na to,że...
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It looks like it...
Życzę szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia.
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I wish you a speedy recovery.
Daj mi znać.
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Give me a shout.
I understand you.
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I feel you.
Damn it!
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Oh snap!
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It's a pity that...
not What's a pity.
dokonać dobrego wyboru
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to make a solid choice
I have made a solid choice sending my daughter to kindergarten.
tak aby...
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so that...
Być świetną partią.
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To be a great match/catch.
Z innej beczki.
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In other news.
za wszelką cenę
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by all means
Czuję się bardzo urażony.
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I feel highly offended.
I have no idea.
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I have no clue.
Nie jestem zainteresowany w najmniejszym stopniu...
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I'm not interested IN THE SLIGHTEST...
I'm not interested in the slightest Jasmine's boobs.
in the coming days
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in the days ahead
To będzie niezła zabawa.
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It's gonna be a blast.
to put your faith in something.
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to be full-on believer
I wouldn't say I'm a full-on believer.
w sam raz, akurat
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to be spot on
You're spot on! The weather forecast is spot on.
Jeśli miałabym decydować...
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If I were to decide...
Gdybym musiała wybierać...
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If I had to choose...
To be honest
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Frankly speaking
To takie dobroduszne.
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That's so kind-hearted choice!
w przeciwieństwie do
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in contrast to
Nie zadzieraj ze mną!
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Don't mess with me!
My fault.
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My bad.
w przeciwnym razie
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Jestem naprawdę zdruzgotana...
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I am truly devastated BY...
See you later!
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Catch you later!
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apart from
I understand, what you mean.
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I get where you're coming from.
Jeśli chodzi o...
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As for...
As for political figures.
Nie będę kłamać.
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Ain't gonna lie.
Nie zawracaj sobie głowy.
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Don't bother.
Jest nas trzech.
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There are three of us.
Not: "we are three"
no limit
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without any restrictions
a holiday organized by a travel agent
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a package holiday
You're right.
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You make a very valid point.
I have got you! (slang). to express satisfaction of having captured someone
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niezależnie od...
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regardless of...
Podoba mi się sposób w jaki to ująłeś.
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I like the way you put that.
You say it when you want to show gratitude for help.
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Bless your heart!
When you execute your task exceptionally well.
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You nailed it!
być zajętym nauką języka angielskiego
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to be preoccupied with learning English
Jestem tego świadomy.
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I'm aware (of this) that...
Not "I have awarness"!
Jeśli chodzi o...
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When it comes to...
Słyszałem o tym.
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I heard OF it.
Masz rację co do tego.
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You are right about it.
Która jest godzina?
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What time IT IS? but. Could you tell me what time IS IT?
Przy zwrotach "I wonder","I would ask" na początku pytania: is it.
This is rude.
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It's disrespectfull
Be respectful OF me.

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