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Chcę podzielić się tym, przez co przechodzę.
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I want to share what I'm going through.
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powrócić do punktu wyjścia
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return to SQUARE ONE
rozważyć za i przeciw
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to weigh pros and cons
Kieruj się intuicją.
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Go with your gut feeling.
w razie wątpliwości
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when in doubts
Prześpij się z tym.
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Sleep ON it.
Don't take risks.
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Play it safe.
Jakie masz przeczucie?
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What is your gut feeling?
Thank you very much (ironic)
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Thanks a bunch.
Co widzisz na tym obrazku?
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What do you see IN this picture?
Nie mam czasu.
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I have no time.
Frustruje mnie, gdy...
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I find it frustrating when...
Tak trzymać!
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Way to go!
To na mój koszt!
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This is my treat!
Daj mi spokój!
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Give me a break!
Bądź dla siebie wyrozumiały.
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Be gentle WITH yourself.
of course
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w odróżnieniu od (mojej matki)
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Brawo! Brawo ty! (also ironic)
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Good for you!
To niemożliwe. Bez szans.
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No can do.
Great job! Good job!
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Hats off!
I have no confidence.
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I lack confidence.
Miło Cię znowu słyszeć?
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It's nice to hear FROM you again?
I don't like a pizza.
Say, you don't like it too.
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I don't either/ Me neither
To musiało być przerażające doświadczenie.
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That must HAVE BEEN a scary experience.
mówić płynnie po angielsku.
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speak English fluently/ to be fluent IN English.
to become a fluent in English
tęsknić za domem
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to feel homesick
Let's start with
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Let's begin WITH...
Wytłumacz mi to!
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Explain this TO me!
odkrywać nowe możliwości
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to break new ground
Chciałbym umówić się na spotkanie.
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I would like to arrange FOR appointment.
Jestem początkująca w kaligrafii.
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I'm beginning with calligraphy.
O czym dzisiaj myślisz?
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What is on your mind today?
Chciałabym od Ciebie żebyś...
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I would like you to...
I would like you to translate these phrases into English.
Ile one kosztują? (liczba mnoga).
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How much are they?
Ile za to wszystko?
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How much is for all this?
Nie wydaje mi się. Nie sądzę.
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I don't think so.
I feel the same way.
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I'm the same.
Coś ekscytującego w programie?
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Anything exciting ON THE AGENDA?
I understand you.
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I hear ya!
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for sure
Be a breakthrough. Be someone who changed the rules of game.
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to be a game-changer.
Wygląda na to,że nie.
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Aparrently not.
What do you say when you give someone permission to do sth or use sth?
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Be my guest!
To jest tam.
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Dziękuję za uwagę poświęconą tej sprawie.
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Thank you for your attention to this matter.
You can say it when you really like sth, often reffering to music. That means you have strong preferences or enthusiasm for a particular song.
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That's my jam!
punktualnie, o czasie.
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in time
I got to the station in time to catch train.
to look at sth for a short time, briefly.
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to take a peek at...
Let's take a peek!

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