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Nigdy nie zgadniesz na kogo wpadłem gdy byłem w Bursie commencer à apprendre
You'll never guess who I bumped into when I Was in Bursa
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Guilia decided to strike up a conversation with a man on train who turned out to be an old friend of her great uncle.
Nie mieć dobrego zdania/ nie pałać entuzjazmem commencer à apprendre
don't think much of something Well, to tell the truth, I didn't really think much of it.
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Everyone was so friendly - conversation just flowed
wywrzeć/ sprawiać wrażenie commencer à apprendre
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wziąć (kogoś) pod swoje skrzydła wzięła mnie pod swoje skrzydła commencer à apprendre
take (someone) under one's wing Takes another person under their wings When Andy first arrived in Santiago, Maura decided to take him under her wings
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Starting university is interesting - all kinds of different people get thrown together
wydarzyło się (przypadkiem) commencer à apprendre
Fleming just happened to leave a dish out in his lab and this led to the discovery of penicillin.
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It turns out my neighbour went to scholl with my mother! What are the odds of that?
niespodziewane commencer à apprendre
I had a very strange encounter with a shop assistant today.
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The committee agreed to defer the decision until the following month.
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Can you show me the steps to that dance again? I just can't get the knack of it.
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Anopa stumbled on a wonderful antique shop in Dublin
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Over the years, the pain of Alma's divorce faded away.
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I don't know why that song evokes such sadness in me.
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rozchwytywany, pożądany, poszukiwany commencer à apprendre
Houses in this street are much sought-after by families because they are large and close to a good school
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wzbudzający respekt, podziw commencer à apprendre
The Meteora monasteries in Greece are totally awe-inspiring.
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Huda was shocked to discover the event was a trade show for weapons companies.
zwrócić uwagę (np. opinii publicznej) commencer à apprendre
Marcus shine a light on the problem of UK children living in poverty.
oddać komuś głos, mówić w czyimś imieniu commencer à apprendre
Greta Thunberg helped to give a voice to all the young people
doświadczyć czegoś osobiście commencer à apprendre
experience something first hand People who haven't experienced war first hand cannot truly understand the terror of it.
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Your son has a very vivd imagination.
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Vibrant atmosphere in school
Np. pismo commencer à apprendre
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Herbata miętową to dobre lekarstwo na problemy z brzuchem. commencer à apprendre
Mint tea is a good remedy for stomach problems.
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Soak the beans in water for at least eight hours
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Gerald is an acupuncture practitioner in Copenhagen.
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By summer 2022, numerous variants of COVID19 had evolved.
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It was intergrated school.
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In 2007, the Apple was the most cutting-edge phone on market.
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One of the drawback of living in a village is that the public transport is awful.
rozwijający się, wschodzący commencer à apprendre
A developing market economy is one that is emerging.
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Try to find ways to adapt them to be more affordable.
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This unsual product-development models is called reverse innovation
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A developed market economy is one that is mature and has an advanced technological infrastructure
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I looked up the word in dictionary.
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We need to pick up my dad's heavy tent.
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The drawing that he threw away was a birthday present
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She paid back the loan immediately.
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check out local restaurants
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He put off his departure till Thursday.
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przyjmować się, zyskiwać popularność commencer à apprendre
I wonder if the game will catch on with young people.
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dawać sobie radę finansowo commencer à apprendre
I can't get by on such a small salary.
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She take after her father.
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Her career had just taken off.
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wpaść na coś, wymyślić coś commencer à apprendre
We need to come up with a better way of making money.
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pozbyć się, znieść, zlikwidować commencer à apprendre
They did away with uniforms at school years ago.
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uciec od np. odpowiedzialnosci commencer à apprendre
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She looks down on her husband's relations.
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