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question réponse
byc o cos oskarżonym
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be accused of something
byc sądzonym za cos
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be on trial for sth
sala sadowa
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sprawiedliwy proces
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fair trial
uznac kogos winnym
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to find sb guilty
uznac kogos za niewinnego
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find sb innocent
czlonek lawy przysieglych
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jury member
zachowac otwarty umysl
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keep an open mind
trzymac cos w tajemnicy
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keep sth back
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lawyer for the prosecution
sledczy policyjny
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police detective
wyrok wiezienia
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prison sentence
wydac wyrok
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reach a verdict
sfinansowac zakup
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fund a purchase
skonczyc robiac cos
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end up doing sth
wyrazic swoj gniew na cos
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express your anger at something
byc w cos zaangazowanym/zamieszanym
commencer à apprendre
to be involved in something
przyznac sie do zrobienia czegos
commencer à apprendre
admit to doing something
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scigac kogos
commencer à apprendre
chase after sb
szanse edukacyjne
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educational opportunities
ujawnic informacje
commencer à apprendre
come forward with information
pobic kogos
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to beat somebody up
odbywac praktyke zawodowa
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do an apprenticeship
ubogie srodowisko
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deprived environment
uniknac kary za dos
commencer à apprendre
get away with sth
usciskac kogos
commencer à apprendre
give sb a hug
zajmowac sie czyms, badac cos
commencer à apprendre
look into sth
uciec z ukradziona rzecza
commencer à apprendre
make off with sth
ukrasc cos komus z kieszeni
commencer à apprendre
pick sb’s pocket
około, mniej wiecej
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wybierac za cel
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zeznawac w sadzie
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testify in court
punkt zwrotny
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turning point
wydac kogos
commencer à apprendre
turn sb in
zniszczyc, dewastowac
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sprawdzac sie, sluzyc komus
commencer à apprendre
work out for sb
drobne przestepstwo
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minor crime
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rada szkoly
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school council
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pod jednym wzgledem
commencer à apprendre
in one respect
przeprowadzac wybory
commencer à apprendre
hold an election
miec swoja szanse zeby cos powiedziec
commencer à apprendre
have your say
przeslanie kampanii
commencer à apprendre
message of the campaign
commencer à apprendre
pod jednym wzgledem
commencer à apprendre
in one respect

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