unit. 🥰. 7.

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question réponse
Myję zęby
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Brush my teeth
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do exercise
robić pracę domową
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do homework
Ubierać się
commencer à apprendre
Get dressed
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get up
iść do domu
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go home
iść do łóżka
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go to bed
iść do szkoły
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go to school
brać prysznic
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have a shower
uczyć się
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have lessons
pomagać moim rodzicom
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help my parents
spotykać przyjaciół
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meet my friends
sprzątać pokój
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tidy my room
oglądać telewizję
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watch TV
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in the morning
po południu
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in the afternoon
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in the evening
w poniedziałek
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on monday
w dni szkolne
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on schooldays
w weekend
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at the weekend
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every day
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garnek złota
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pot of gold
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Św. Patryk
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St. Patrick
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streesed out
za dużo
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too much
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class teacher
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commencer à apprendre
chodzisz do szkoły 5 dni w tygodniu
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you go to school 5 days a week
nie idziesz do szkoły w weekend
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you don't go to school at the weekend
czy masz dużo pracy domowej
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do you have a lot of homework
co masz na śniadanie
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what do you have for breakfast
czat na moim telefonie
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chat on my phone
układać puzzle
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do puzzles
słuchać muzyki
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listen to music
robić filmy
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make videos
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grać w gry planszowe
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play board games
jeździć na hulajnodze
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ride a scooter
spędzać czas z przyjaciółmi
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spend time with friends
korzystać z mediów społecznościowych
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use social media
oglądać seriale
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watch series
oglądać sport
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watch sports
oglądać klipy wideo
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watch videos clips
ja gram
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I play
Adam gra
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Adam plays
Adam i Bartek grają
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Adam and bartek play
mój kot lubi mleko
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my cat likes milk
moje koty lubią wodę
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my cats like water
Filip idzie
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Philip goes
Maja całuje
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Maya kisses
Wiktor ogląda
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Victor watches
ona lubi
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she likes
ona nie lubi
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she doesn't like
czy Lucas lubi kanapki z serem
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does Lucas like cheese sandwiches
tak, robi
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yes he does
nie, nie ma
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no he doesn't
co Alicja je na śniadanie
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what does Alicia eat for breakfast
lubię bardzo
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I really like
aż tak
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that much
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commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
mundurek szkolny
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commencer à apprendre

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