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aubergine (BrE)/eggplant (AmE)
fasola w sosie pomidorowym commencer à apprendre
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beetroot (BrE)/beet (AmE)
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courgette (BrE)/zucchini (AmE)
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mince (BrE)/ground beef (AmE)
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prawns (BrE)/shrimps (AmE)
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cornflour (BrE)/cornstarch (AmE)
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okrągłe pieczywo śniadaniowe commencer à apprendre
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bardzo tłusta śmietana do smarowania commencer à apprendre
Crème fraîche - sour French cream commencer à apprendre
Crème fraîche - zakwaszona śmietana francuska
Curd - cottage cheese, sour milk commencer à apprendre
Curd - twaróg, zsiadłe mleko
Live yoghurt - yoghurt with live bacteria cultures commencer à apprendre
Live yoghurt - jogurt z żywymi kulturami bakterii
Single/double/sour cream - lean/fat cream / sour cream commencer à apprendre
Single/double/sour cream - chuda/tłusta śmietanka / kwaśna śmietana
Skimmed/semi-skimmed milk - skimmed milk / semi-skimmed milk commencer à apprendre
Skimmed/semi-skimmed milk - mleko odtłuszczone / mleko półtłuste
Whole/full-fat/full-cream milk - whole milk commencer à apprendre
Whole/full-fat/full-cream milk - mleko pełne
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Coriander (BrE)/cilantro (AmE) - coriander commencer à apprendre
Coriander (BrE)/cilantro (AmE) - kolendra
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Ground pepper - ground pepper commencer à apprendre
Ground pepper - pieprz mielony
Light mayo - low-calorie mayonnaise commencer à apprendre
Light mayo - majonez niskokaloryczny
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Pickled onions/gherkins - marynowane cebulki/korniszony
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Stock cube - kostka rosołowa
Sunflower/rapeseed oil - sunflower/rapeseed oil commencer à apprendre
Sunflower/rapeseed oil - olej słonecznikowy/rzepakowy
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Vanilla pod - vanilla pod commencer à apprendre
Vanilla pod - laska wanilii
Worcestershire/Worcester sauce - Worcester sauce commencer à apprendre
Worcestershire/Worcester sauce - sos Worcester
Decaffeinated/decaf coffee - decaffeinated coffee commencer à apprendre
Decaffeinated/decaf coffee - kawa bezkofeinowa
Egg white/yolk - egg white/yolk commencer à apprendre
Egg white/yolk - białko/żółtko jaja
Food additives/colouring - food additives/colouring commencer à apprendre
Food additives/colouring - dodatki/barwniki spożywcze
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Free-range eggs - jaja z wolnego wybiegu
Instant coffee - instant coffee commencer à apprendre
Instant coffee - kawa rozpuszczalna
Preservatives - preservatives commencer à apprendre
Preservatives - konserwanty
Shortbread biscuits - shortbread butter cookies commencer à apprendre
Shortbread biscuits - kruche ciastka maślane
Skinny latte - latte with skim milk commencer à apprendre
Skinny latte - latte na chudym mleku
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Victoria sponge - sponge cake commencer à apprendre
Victoria sponge - ciasto biszkoptowe
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Bunch of grapes - kiść winogron
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Clove of garlic - ząbek czosnku
Dash of vinegar - a few drops of vinegar commencer à apprendre
Dash of vinegar - kilka kropel octu
Dollop of jam/cream - a spoonful of jam/cream commencer à apprendre
Dollop of jam/cream - łyżka dżemu/śmietany
Jar of marmalade - a jar of citrus jam commencer à apprendre
Jar of marmalade - słoik dżemu cytrusowego
Joint of meat - a large piece of meat commencer à apprendre
Joint of meat - duży kawałek mięsa
Jug of milk - jug of milk commencer à apprendre
Jug of milk - dzbanek mleka
Lump/knob of cheese/butter - a piece of cheese/butter of irregular shape commencer à apprendre
Lump/knob of cheese/butter - kawałek sera/masła o nieregularnym kształcie
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Pinch of salt/nutmeg - szczypta soli/gałki muszkatołowej
Rasher of bacon - a slice of bacon commencer à apprendre
Rasher of bacon - plaster boczku
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Scoop of ice cream - gałka lodów
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Segment of an orange - cząstka pomarańczy
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Spoonful of sugar - łyżka cukru
Tablespoon/teaspoon of salt commencer à apprendre
Tablespoon/teaspoon of salt - łyżka/łyżeczka soli
Tube of tomato paste - a tube of tomato concentrate commencer à apprendre
Tube of tomato paste - tubka koncentratu pomidorowego
Appetising/unappetising - appetising/unappetising commencer à apprendre
Appetising/unappetising - apetyczny/nieapetyczny
Bland/insipid/tasteless - bland commencer à apprendre
Bland/insipid/tasteless - mdły
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Crispy - crunchy (e.g. bacon) commencer à apprendre
Crispy - chrupiący (np. bekon)
Crusty - with a crispy crust (e.g. bread) commencer à apprendre
Crusty - z chrupiącą skórką (np. chleb)
Edible/inedible - edible/inedible commencer à apprendre
Edible/inedible - jadalny/niejadalny
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Fatty - o dużej zawartości tłuszczu
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Flavoursome - aromatyczny
Greasy - dripping with fat commencer à apprendre
Greasy - ociekający tłuszczem
Hearty - hearty (e.g. meal) commencer à apprendre
Hearty - obfity (np. posiłek)
Lukewarm - lukewarm, warm commencer à apprendre
Lukewarm - letni, ciepławy
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Make sb's stomach growl/rumble - to make someone's stomach rumble commencer à apprendre
Make sb's stomach growl/rumble - przyprawiać kogoś o burczenie w brzuchu
Melt in your mouth - melt in your mouth commencer à apprendre
Melt in your mouth - rozpływać się w ustach
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Mouth-watering - delicious looking, appetizing commencer à apprendre
Mouth-watering - smakowicie wyglądający, apetyczny
Nourishing/nutritious - nutritious commencer à apprendre
Nourishing/nutritious - pożywny
Off-putting smell/presentation - repulsive smell/appearance commencer à apprendre
Off-putting smell/presentation - odrażający zapach/wygląd
Palatable/unpalatable - tasty/unpalatable commencer à apprendre
Palatable/unpalatable - smaczny/niesmaczny
Perishable goods - products that go bad quickly commencer à apprendre
Perishable goods - produkty szybko psujące się
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Ripe/unripe - ripe/unripe commencer à apprendre
Ripe/unripe - dojrzały/niedojrzały
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Continental breakfast - continental breakfast commencer à apprendre
Continental breakfast - śniadanie kontynentalne
Decent/square/proper/substantial/lavish meal - a hearty meal commencer à apprendre
Decent/square/proper/substantial/lavish meal - obfity posiłek
Leftovers - leftovers from a meal commencer à apprendre
Leftovers - resztki posiłku
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Light meal - lekki posiłek
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Midnight feast - nocna uczta
Portion/serving/helping - portion commencer à apprendre
Portion/serving/helping - porcja
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Batter - thin batter, e.g. pancake batter commencer à apprendre
Batter - rzadkie ciasto, np. naleśnikowe
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Compote - a dessert made of fruit in syrup commencer à apprendre
Compote - deser z owoców w syropie
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Dumplings - pierogi, dumplings commencer à apprendre
Dumplings - pierogi, kluski
Fondant/buttercream icing - icing commencer à apprendre
Fondant/buttercream icing - lukier
Fried/poached/hard-boiled/soft-boiled eggs commencer à apprendre
Fried/poached/hard-boiled/soft-boiled eggs - jajka sadzone/gotowane w koszulkach/na twardo/na miękko
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Fry-up - smażone jedzenie
Gingerbread - gingerbread, gingerbread cookies commencer à apprendre
Gingerbread - piernik, pierniczki
Ice cream cone/cornet - ice cream in a cone commencer à apprendre
Ice cream cone/cornet - lody w rożku
Jacket potatoes - potatoes in their jackets commencer à apprendre
Jacket potatoes - ziemniaki w mundurkach
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Meatloaf - pieczeń rzymska
Porridge (BrE)/oatmeal (AmE) - oatmeal commencer à apprendre
Porridge (BrE)/oatmeal (AmE) - owsianka
Puff/shortcrust pastry - puff/shortcrust pastry commencer à apprendre
Puff/shortcrust pastry - ciasto francuskie/kruche
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Apple crumble and custard - apples under crumble with sauce commencer à apprendre
Apple crumble and custard - jabłka pod kruszonką z sosem
Bubble and squeak - cabbage fried with leftover meat and potatoes commencer à apprendre
Bubble and squeak - kapusta podsmażana z resztkami mięsa i ziemniakami
Cornish pasty - Cornish dumpling commencer à apprendre
Cornish pasty - pieróg kornwalijski
Full English (breakfast) - English breakfast commencer à apprendre
Full English (breakfast) - angielskie śniadanie
Mince pies - Christmas cupcakes with dried fruit commencer à apprendre
Mince pies - bożonarodzeniowe babeczki z bakaliami
Shepherd's/cottage pie - a casserole made of minced meat and potatoes commencer à apprendre
Shepherd's/cottage pie - zapiekanka z mielonego mięsa i ziemniaków
Stargazy pie - Cornish sardine, egg and potato casserole commencer à apprendre
Stargazy pie - kornwalijska zapiekanka z sardynek, jajek i ziemniaków
Toad-in-the-hole - sausages baked in dough commencer à apprendre
Toad-in-the-hole - kiełbaski zapiekane w cieście
With all the trimmings - with all the trimmings commencer à apprendre
With all the trimmings - ze wszystkimi dodatkami
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With crackling - ze skwarkami
Yorkshire pudding - savoury muffins served with meat in sauce commencer à apprendre
Yorkshire pudding - wytrawne babeczki podawane do mięsa w sosie
Baste - to pour liquid while stewing commencer à apprendre
Baste - polewać płynem w trakcie duszenia
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Bring sth to the boil - bring something to the boil commencer à apprendre
Bring sth to the boil - doprowadzić coś do wrzenia
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Brown the meat - przyrumienić mięso
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Drizzle with sth - sprinkle with something commencer à apprendre
Drizzle with sth - skropić czymś
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Knead the dough - zagnieść ciasto
Line/grease a baking tray - line/grease a baking tray with paper commencer à apprendre
Line/grease a baking tray - wyłożyć papierem/natłuścić blachę do pieczenia
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Mash the potatoes - utłuc ziemniaki
Preheat the oven - preheat the oven commencer à apprendre
Preheat the oven - rozgrzać piekarnik
Reduce - reduce, evaporate (e.g. broth) commencer à apprendre
Reduce - zredukować, odparować (np. bulion)
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Season to taste - doprawić do smaku
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Sift/sieve flour/cocoa - przesiać mąkę/kakao
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Simmer - gotować na wolnym ogniu
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Whisk sth together/until light and fluffy - beat something together/until light and fluffy commencer à apprendre
Whisk sth together/until light and fluffy - ubić coś razem/na puszystą masę
Baking dish/sheet/tray/tin - baking tray commencer à apprendre
Baking dish/sheet/tray/tin - blacha do pieczenia
Casserole - ovenproof dish commencer à apprendre
Casserole - naczynie żaroodporne
Chopping board - cutting board commencer à apprendre
Chopping board - deska do krojenia
Clingfilm (BrE)/plastic wrap (AmE) - food foil commencer à apprendre
Clingfilm (BrE)/plastic wrap (AmE) - folia spożywcza
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Cutlery (BrE)/silverware (AmE) - cutlery commencer à apprendre
Cutlery (BrE)/silverware (AmE) - sztućce
Garlic crusher - garlic press commencer à apprendre
Garlic crusher - wyciskarka do czosnku
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Induction hob - induction hob commencer à apprendre
Induction hob - płyta indukcyjna
Kitchen roll/towels - kitchen paper commencer à apprendre
Kitchen roll/towels - papier kuchenny
Lemon squeezer - lemon squeezer commencer à apprendre
Lemon squeezer - wyciskarka do cytryn
Oven gloves - kitchen gloves commencer à apprendre
Oven gloves - rękawice kuchenne
Place mat - a placemat for a plate commencer à apprendre
Place mat - podkładka pod talerz
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Potato peeler - obieraczka
Rolling pin - rolling pin for dough commencer à apprendre
Rolling pin - wałek do ciasta
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Tea towel - ścierka do naczyń
Be off your food - lose your appetite commencer à apprendre
Be off your food - stracić apetyt
Binge on sth - eating a lot of something in a short time commencer à apprendre
Binge on sth - jeść dużo czegoś w krótkim czasie
Bolt/gobble sth down - to devour something greedily commencer à apprendre
Bolt/gobble sth down - pochłaniać coś łapczywie
Chew at/on sth - to chew something commencer à apprendre
Chew at/on sth - przeżuwać coś
Choke (on sth) - to choke (on something) commencer à apprendre
Choke (on sth) - krztusić się (czymś)
Drain your glass - empty your glass commencer à apprendre
Drain your glass - opróżnić szklankę
Gorge yourself on sth - to gorge yourself on something commencer à apprendre
Gorge yourself on sth - objeść się czymś
Gulp sth down - to swallow something violently commencer à apprendre
Gulp sth down - przełykać coś gwałtownie
Have a sweet tooth - like sweets commencer à apprendre
Have a sweet tooth - lubić słodycze
Nibble (at/on) sth - to nibble, to nibble commencer à apprendre
Nibble (at/on) sth - skubać, pogryzać
Peck/pick at your food - to peck, to fuss while eating commencer à apprendre
Peck/pick at your food - dzióbać, grymasić przy jedzeniu
Sink your teeth into sth - to sink your teeth into something commencer à apprendre
Sink your teeth into sth - zatopić w czymś zęby
Sip (at sth) - to sip, to drink something commencer à apprendre
Sip (at sth) - sączyć, popijać coś
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Slurp your soup - siorbać zupę
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Smack your lips - mlaskać
Spit sth out - spit something out commencer à apprendre
Spit sth out - wypluć coś
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Turn your nose up at sth - to refuse (e.g. to eat something) commencer à apprendre
Turn your nose up at sth - odmawiać (np. zjedzenia czegoś)
Balanced/varied diet - balanced/varied diet commencer à apprendre
Balanced/varied diet - zrównoważona/zróżnicowana dieta
Cholesterol levels - cholesterol levels commencer à apprendre
Cholesterol levels - poziom cholesterolu
Conflicting dietary advice commencer à apprendre
Conflicting dietary advice - sprzeczne porady żywieniowe
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Control your intake - kontrolować spożycie
Crash diet - draconian diet commencer à apprendre
Crash diet - drakońska dieta
Cut down on (caffeine) - limit your intake (of caffeine) commencer à apprendre
Cut down on (caffeine) - ograniczyć spożywanie (kofeiny)
Cut out (sugar) - put away (sugar) commencer à apprendre
Cut out (sugar) - odstawić (cukier)
Daily intake - daily intake commencer à apprendre
Daily intake - dzienne spożycie
Diet high/rich in sth - a diet rich in something commencer à apprendre
Diet high/rich in sth - dieta bogata w coś
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Food intolerance - nietolerancja pokarmowa
High/low in (fibre) - with high/low (fibre) content commencer à apprendre
High/low in (fibre) - o wysokiej/niskiej zawartości (błonnika)
Mediterranean diet - Mediterranean diet commencer à apprendre
Mediterranean diet - dieta śródziemnomorska
Nutrient/nutritional deficiencies - nutritional deficiencies commencer à apprendre
Nutrient/nutritional deficiencies - niedobory pokarmowe
Nutritional value - nutritional value commencer à apprendre
Nutritional value - wartość odżywcza
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Saturated/unsaturated fats - saturated/unsaturated fats commencer à apprendre
Saturated/unsaturated fats - tłuszcze nasycone/nienasycone
Sensible diet - sensible diet commencer à apprendre
Sensible diet - rozsądna dieta
Staple diet - the basis of nutrition commencer à apprendre
Staple diet - podstawa wyżywienia
Starve yourself - starve yourself commencer à apprendre
Starve yourself - głodzić się
Take vitamin/mineral supplements - take vitamin/mineral supplements commencer à apprendre
Take vitamin/mineral supplements - przyjmować suplementy witaminowe/mineralne
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binge eating - napadowe objadanie się
build up self-esteem - build up self-esteem commencer à apprendre
build up self-esteem - budować poczucie własnej wartości
dietary restrictions - dietary restrictions commencer à apprendre
dietary restrictions - ograniczenia żywieniowe
distorted body image - distorted image of one's own body commencer à apprendre
distorted body image - zaburzony wizerunek własnego ciała
life-threatening - life-threatening commencer à apprendre
life-threatening - zagrażający życiu
malnourished - undernourished commencer à apprendre
malnourished - niedożywiony
malnutrition - undernourishment commencer à apprendre
malnutrition - niedożywienie
talking therapy - psychotherapy commencer à apprendre
talking therapy - psychoterapia
treatment plan - treatment plan commencer à apprendre
treatment plan - plan leczenia
unhealthy eating behaviors commencer à apprendre
unhealthy eating behaviours - niezdrowe nawyki żywieniowe
à la carte/set menu - choice from the menu/ready-made sets commencer à apprendre
à la carte/set menu - wybór z karty/gotowe zestawy
curb food waste - reduce food waste commencer à apprendre
curb food waste - ograniczać marnowanie żywności
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doggy bag - a bag for leftovers taken home from the restaurant commencer à apprendre
doggy bag - torebka na resztki zabierane z restauracji do domu
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fine dining - food in elegant restaurants commencer à apprendre
fine dining - jedzenie w eleganckich restauracjach
finger/cold buffet - cold buffet commencer à apprendre
finger/cold buffet - zimny bufet
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gourmet restaurant - exquisite restaurant commencer à apprendre
gourmet restaurant - wykwintna restauracja
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side dish/order - an addition to the main course commencer à apprendre
side dish/order - dodatek do dania głównego
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signature dish - popisowe danie
a step far too far - a step too far commencer à apprendre
a step far too far - krok za daleko
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eaten to excess - jedzony w nadmiarze
encroachment on sth - interference with something commencer à apprendre
encroachment on sth - ingerencja w coś
food outlet - catering point commencer à apprendre
food outlet - punkt gastronomiczny
for your own good - for your own good commencer à apprendre
for your own good - dla twojego własnego dobra
marked difference - visible difference commencer à apprendre
marked difference - widoczna różnica
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dainty - drobny, delikatny
frown upon - to look askance at commencer à apprendre
frown upon - krzywo patrzeć na
lay/clear the table - set the table/clear the table commencer à apprendre
lay/clear the table - nakryć do stołu/sprzątnąć ze stołu
trim - to cut off, to cut off commencer à apprendre
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wholly different - zupełnie inny
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with your own fair hands - własnymi rękami