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a minor illness / dolegliwość
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the study of medical care and illness that relates to elderly people / geriatria
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the front part of the leg between the ankle and knee / goleń
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to get rid of sth completely / zlikwidować, wykorzenić
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the length of time a person is likely to live / średnia długość życia
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fully developed / w pełni rozwinięty
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hard to move or carry because of weight, size or shape / nieporęczny, niewygodny
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to see, notice or realise sth, especially when itãs not obvious; to regard sth as / zauważyć, spostrzec, postrzegać
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cutting up of a dead body, autopsy / sekcja
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disclosing sth previously secret or unknown / rewelacja, odkrycie, ujawnienie
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piersiowy, znajdujący sięw klatce piersiowej
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listening carefully to the sounds coming from the chest of a patient / osłuchiwanie
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not very wise or well thought out / nierozsądny, nierozważny
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sb who supports a particular idea or plan of action and speaks about it in public / orędownik, zwolennik
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temporary and low in quality / prowizoryczny
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sb/sth that causes great trouble or suffering
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a hole or space between two surfaces / dziura, ubytek
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to destroy or damage / spustoszyć, wyniszczyć
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to become solid / stwardnieć, skrzepnąć, zgęstnieć
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the material that animals and plants are made of / tkanka
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to provide or produce sth / dostarczać, dawać, przynosić
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made up of parts that are positioned closely together, using very little space / niewielkich rozmiarów, funkcjonalny
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a little bit, in small degree, slightly
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showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise
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nieprzetworzone owoce i warzywa
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juxtaposing; maching up; making out the connection between
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that can be exchanged for or replaced by sth else / wymienny
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making a low, gurgling sound / bulgoczący, dudniący, burczący
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exclusively, only, simply
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to produce or send out light, gas, smell or heat / wydawać, wydzielać
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infectious, transmissible
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to be or look similar / przypominać
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a quality or characteristic in a substance or object / właściwość
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a sticky lump which forms when blood becomes thick or dries up / zakrzep
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a break or slight crack / złamanie, pęknięcie
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redness or swelling of part of the body, often from an infection, illness or injury / zapalenie, stan zapalny
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to cause an injury to a joint by a sudden movement / skręcić, nadwerężyć
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trapped, left in difficulties / uwięziony, nie mogący się sam skądś wydostać
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to take a short, quick breath through the mouth
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to breathe with difficulty and make a sound / sapać, dyszeć
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to breathe with difficulty and make a whistling sound / mieć chrapliwy lub świszczący oddech
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tiring, fatiguing, exhausting / wyczerpujący, forsowny
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inborn, inherited, existing since or before birth / wrodzony
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treating the whole person rather than particular symptoms of diseases / holistyczny
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penetrating / przenikliwy, przeszywający
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to bother or annoy / dokuczać
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to experience or go through sth necessary or unpleasant / odbyć, poddać się
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annoying / uporczywy, dręczący
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happening more than once, returning, reappearing / powtarzający się, nawracający
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slowly and incurably causing death, fatal, incurable
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of little importance, trivial / błahy
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toxic, poisonous / trujący, szkodliwy
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unfavourable, unfortunate, unpleasant / niepożądany
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a sharp cut made in sth / nacięcie
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soreness and sensitiveness / wrażliwość (np. na dotyk), obolałość
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sounding rough and unclear / zachrypnięty, ochrypły
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the feeling of being unwell and likely to vomit / mdłości, nudności
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dizziness, the feeling of unsteadiness and sickness due to looking down from a high place / zawroty głowy
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a person who assists women in childbirth / położna
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to get better, recover after one has been ill
with (the benefit of) hindsight commencer à apprendre
understanding a situation differently after it has happened / (patrząc) z perspektywy czasu
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injurious, harmful, damaging, hurtful
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refuse, reject, turn down
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unwilling, hesitant, resistant
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= (of a feeling) not fully recognised, unexpressed, hidden
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dirt, pollution / skażenie, zanieczyszczenie
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a free position or a time / okienko, wolne miejsce
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to show that a widely held belief is false, discredit / obalić
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dangerous, hazardous, unsafe
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extremely important, essential
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in an unexpected or irregular way / w sposób nieskoordynowany, nieskładnie
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a claim made without proof / zarzut, oskarżenie
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sb accused of a crime / oskarżony
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very scared, terrified, horrified
turn tail (and run, flee, etc) commencer à apprendre
to run away from a dangerous situation / uciec, wziąć nogi za pas
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remaining, lasting for a long time / utrzymujący się, długotrwały
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to improve, purify, clarify
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to delay, prevent, restrict, / utrudnić, przeszkodzić
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careful to do one’s work well / sumienny
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stated clearly, direct / wyraźny, jawny, otwarty
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to examine carefully a large number of things in order to select sth / przeszukać, przesiać
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to spread widely / rozpowszechnić, szerzyć
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assessing the value of sth again, rejudge
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spoken or written communication between people
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larger than expected, excessive, huge
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doubtful, uncertain, unsure
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obligatory, required by law or a rule
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a reaction of strong disapproval and anger expressed by the public or media about a current event
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showing kindness to people and animals and preventing their suffering / humanitarny
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feeling angry and shocked / oburzony
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