unit 5 6

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question English réponse English
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spousal support/money paid to the ex spouse
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in a friendly way
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making sth invalid
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to find out true/correct information about sth
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a state of a man that has never been married
Capacity to perform acts in law
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zdolnosc do czynnosci prawnych/ability under law to enter into legal transactions
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sb who looks after another person
Child support
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money paid to a child after a divorce
Civil union
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same sex marriage
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exclusive right to publish and sell literary, musical or artistic work
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legal right to look after a child
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judgement in family law
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Domestic violence
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physical abuse in family
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to imagine what may happen in future/anticipate/stipulate
Ex officio
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when sb may act bc of the office
Extracurricular activities
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not part of the usual course of studies
Foster family
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non biological family
Incompetent person
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sb whose legal capacity has been fully or partially limited by court
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so different that difficult to agree
Legal custody
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right to make important decisions about raising one’s child
Legal guardian
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person appointed by court to represent a child or a incompetent person
Legal person/entity
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organisation which has the same rights and duties as natural person
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money paid to the ex spouse or a child after divorce
Marital property
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property acquired jointly by spouses during marriage
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legal relationship between 2 people who are married
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the state of being married
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a kind of a loan secured over real property
Natural person
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every human being
Non fault divorce
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without attributing guilt to either party of the divorce
Out of court settlement
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agreement reached outside the court
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Parental authority
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obligations and rights of parents
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when sth lasts forever or a long time
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sb who brings action to the court/plaintiff/claimant
Prenuptial agreement
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premarital agreement/agreement concluded by future spouses concerning their assets in the future marriage
Probation officer
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officer working for the juvenile court and charged with care of juvenile delinquents
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Settlement conference
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a meeting where parties try to settle the case before the trial
The deceased
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sb who has died
To be incapacitated
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when the court deprives sb fully or partially of legal capacity
To compromise
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to have harmful effect on sth
To evoke
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to bring memory, feeling, image into one’s mind
To hit it off
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to start to like each other immediately
To overturn
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to officially change a legal decision
To satisfy
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to convince
To stem from
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to come from
To take a child into care
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non biological parent looks after a child
Trick sb into doing sth
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right of the non custodial parent to spend time with the child
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weak and easily hurt
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general health, happiness, and safety of a person
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court document telling sb to appear in court
Dostarczyć coś komuś
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to serve sth upon sb/ to serve sb with sth
Przystąpić do umowy
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enter into an agreement
Sprzeczny z
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contrary to
W kategoriach/z punktu widzenia/pod względem
commencer à apprendre
in terms of

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