unit 4a

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question réponse
Annoying habits
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denerwujące nawyki
Without knocking
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bez pukania
Carry on
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Drones can be controlled remotely.
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pilot np do telewizora
Drony mogą być sterowane zdalnie,
Pick up
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Change the channel
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zmieniać kanał
How can you live in such a mess?
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Jak można żyć w takim bałaganie?
Roll the eye
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wywracać oczami
Tidy the room
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posprzatac pokoj
Dirty clothes
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brudne ubrania
Wet towels
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mokre ręczniki
Do the washing up
Ok, today you're cooking and I'm doing the washing up.
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Ok, ty dziś gotujesz, a ja zmywam naczynia.
Complain about
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narzekać o
On the plate there were potatoes, a piece of fish and some brussels sprouts.
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Na talerzu były ziemniaki, kawałek ryby i brukselka.
Dry my hair
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suszyć włosy

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