Unit 4 Lunchtime

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question réponse
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pora lunchu
What`s for lunch?
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Co jest na obiad?
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I like apples.
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Lubię jabłka.
I don't like chicken
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Nie lubię kurczaka
I have got / I've got...
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ja mam
you have got / you`ve got
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ty masz
he has got / he's got
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on ma
she has got / she's got...
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ona ma
it has got / it's got...
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ono ma
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kitchen table
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stół kuchenny
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chodź / przyjdź
take him out
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zabierz go
I like apples.
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Lubię jabłka.
I don`t like cheese.
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Nie lubię sera.
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Have we got any cheese?
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Czy mamy jakiś ser?
Yes, we have.
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Tak, mamy.
No, we haven't.
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Nie, nie mamy.
Where`s Misty?
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Gdzie jest Misty?
Look at Misty.
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Spójrz na Misty.
Pizza, please.
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Poproszę pizze.
Sorry, we haven`t got pizza.
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Przepraszam, nie mamy pizzy.
That isn`t fair.
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To nie fair.
Here you are.
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proszę (przy podawaniu czegoś)
What have you got?
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Co masz?
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Who says?
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Kto mówi?
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miły, fajny, ładny
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shopping list
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lista zakupów
check your list
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Sprawdź swoją listę.
write it down
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zapisz to
complete the shopping list
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uzupełnij listę zakupów

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