Unit 4

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question réponse
commencer à apprendre
related to farming
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something that makes a place comfortable or easy to live in
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belonging to a member of your family once
apartment block
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a large building containing many apartments
apartment complex
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a group of apartment blocks
at any rate
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used when you are stating one definite fact in a situation that is uncertain or unsatisfactory
at first sight
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the first time that you look at someone or something, before you notice any details
at least
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not less than a particular number or amount
at risk
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in a situation where you may be harmed
at the top of your voice
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as loudly as you can
by all means
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used to mean ‘of course’ when politely allowing someone to do something or agreeing with a suggestion
by far
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used to say that something is much better, worse, etc. than anything else
by hand
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done or made by a person rather than a machine
by surprise
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by yourself
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without help from anyone
catch a cold
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to become infected with some virus
catch a train
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to be in time to get on a train before it leaves
catch the light
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to shine thanks to the reflection from the sun
city walls
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an upright flat structure made of stone or brick, that divides one city from another
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the process of building things such as houses, bridges, roads, etc.
country cottage
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a small house in the country
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becoming worse
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a driverless vehicle is controlled by equipment in the vehicle, rather than by a human driver
entrance gate
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a door or gate that you go through to enter a place
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an express train or bus does not stop at many places and can therefore travel more quickly
commencer à apprendre
made to look like a real material or object in order to deceive people; not real and seeming to be something it is not, in order to deceive people
for a start
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used to emphasise the first of a list of facts or opinions you are stating
for good
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for one thing
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used to introduce a reason for what you have just said; used to give one reason for something
for real
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seriously, not just pretending
for the most part
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used to say that something is generally true but not completely true
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very unpleasant
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housing crisis
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a situation in which there are a lot of problems with the houses or conditions that people live in
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using water power to produce electricity
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large, impressive and appearing important
in case
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to talk about things that we do so that we are prepared for a future situation.
in control
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having the ability to make someone do what you want and make something happen in the way you want
in danger
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in a situation where you may be harmed
in difficulty
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if you are in difficulty, you are in a situation in which you have problems
in fact
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used when you are adding something, especially something surprising, to emphasise what you have just said
in flames
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burning in a way that is difficult to control
in good time
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if you do something in good time, you do it early enough to be ready for a particular time or event
in order
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if something is in order, it is correct or right
in person
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if you do something in person, you go somewhere and do it yourself
in place
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in the correct position and ready to be used
in reach
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if you are in reach of doing something it means that soon you will be able to succeed
in sight
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inside the area that you can see
in tears
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commencer à apprendre
more and more all the time
commencer à apprendre
one of the people who live in a particular place
commencer à apprendre
the part near the middle of a city, especially where the buildings are in a bad condition and the people are poor
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covered with a material that stops electricity, sound, heat, etc. from getting in or out
commencer à apprendre
a subject or problem that is often discussed or argued about, especially a social or political matter that affects the interests of a lot of people
leisure complex
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a place where you can play sports
lose interest
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to no longer be interested in doing something
lose patience
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to stop being patient and get angry
lose sleep
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to worry about something
lose touch
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if two people lose touch, they gradually stop communicating
lose track (of time)
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to not pay attention to something (eg. to the time)
lose your temper
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to suddenly become very angry so that you cannot control yourself
make a fuss
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to complain or become angry about something, especially when this is not necessary
make a mess
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to do something badly
make a/any difference
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to have an important influence on something
make an excuse
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to invent a reason to explain an action and to hide your real intentions
make somebody’s day
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to make someone very happy
make the most of it
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to accept a situation that is not very good, and do whatever you can to make it better
make up your mind
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to decide which of two or more choices you want, especially after thinking for a long time
commencer à apprendre
man-made materials and substances are not natural
market square
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a large open area in the centre of a town or city, usually in the shape of a square
commencer à apprendre
a system of lines, tubes, wires, roads, etc. that cross each other and are connected to each other
noise pollution
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noise from cars, planes, etc. which has a bad effect on people’s lives
on fire
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if you are on fire it means that you succeed every time and no one can stop you
on foot
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if you go somewhere on foot, you walk there
on hold
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if something is on hold, it is going to be done or dealt with at a later date rather than now
on purpose
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on show
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shown to the public
on the move
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be travelling from one place to another
on the whole
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used to say that something is generally true
on time
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at the correct time or the time that was arranged
on your mind
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if something is on your mind, you keep thinking or worrying about it
out of breath
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have difficulty breathing after hurrying
out of danger
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no longer be in danger
out of date
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if information is out of date, it is not recent and may no longer be correct
out of order
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if a machine or piece of equipment is out of order, it is not working
out of place
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not in the correct or usual position
out of sight
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outside the area that you can see
commencer à apprendre
filled with too many people or things
commencer à apprendre
people who are walking, especially along a street or other place used by car
commencer à apprendre
a picturesque place is pretty and interesting in an old-fashioned way
play area
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a place for children to play
power station
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a building where electricity is produced to supply a large area
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one of the large areas into which some countries are divided, and which usually has its own local government
public space
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a place that is accessible and open to people
public transport
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means of transport that are available for everyone to use
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far from towns or other places where people live
commencer à apprendre
someone who lives or stays in a particular place
commencer à apprendre
a residential part of a town consists of private houses, with no offices or factories
road markings
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while lines painted on roads in order to provide guidance to drivers and pedestrians
sea levels
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the average height of the sea
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locked or guarded so that people cannot get in or out or steal anything
shop fronts
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the outside part of a shop that faces the street
shopping complex
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shopping centre
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not real, but made to look, sound or feel real
commencer à apprendre
the shape made by hills or buildings against the sky
commencer à apprendre
beneath the surface of the Earth
take charge
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to take control of a group of people, an organisation or an activity
take control
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to have the power to make the decisions about a company
take your breath away
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to be extremely beautiful or exciting
tell a joke
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to say something to make people laugh, especially a funny story or trick
tell a lie
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to say something that is not true; to lie
tell the difference
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to be able to recognise how two things are different
tell the truth
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to say something that is true
tourist spot
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a place where tourists like to go
town hall a public building used for a town’s local government
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ratusz budynek publiczny wykorzystywany przez samorząd miejski
town planners
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experts who plan cities so that roads, houses, services, etc. are organised effectively
town square
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a large open area in the centre of a town usually in the shape of a square
traffic jam
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a long line of vehicles on a road that cannot move or moves very slowly
traffic sign
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a sign on the road that gives a warning or instruction to drivers
commencer à apprendre
relating to towns and cities
water levels
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the average height of the water in a given container
weather conditions
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whether it is raining or sunny
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if a town is well-connected it means that it is joined with a nearby city with road network and public transport

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