unit 4 cz 5

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question réponse
w wiosce
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in a village
na wsi
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in the countryside
ścianka działowa
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interior wall
zlew kuchenny
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kitchen sink
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złożyć zażalenie
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make a decision
zrobić bałagan
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make a mess
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make a noise
ugotować obiad
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make dinner
pościelić łóżko
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make your bed
blisko morza
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near the sea
na obrzeżach miasta
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on the edge of the city
na pierwszym piętrze
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on the first floor
na piętrze
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on the ground floor
na drugim piętrze
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on the second floor
na najwyższym piętrze
commencer à apprendre
on the top floor
bez scian działowych
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre

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