unit 4 about me english class a1 dialogi

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question réponse
To uszy Sammy'ego.
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They're Sammy's ears.
To nos Regan.
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It's Regan's nose.
To włosy Regan.
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It's Regan's hair.
To oczy Marii
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They're Maria's eyes
To usta Antka
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It's Antek's mouth
Włosy Sammego są proste.
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Sammy's hair is straight.
Włosy Antka są nastroszone
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Antek's hair is spiky
Mam długie nogi.
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I've got long legs.
O ma dużą głowę
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He've got big head
Ma dużą głowę
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She's got big head
Nie mamy długich nóg
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We haven't got long legs
Ona nie ma okularów.
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She hasn't got glasses.
Co ty masz?
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What have you got?
Czy masz samochód?
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Have you got a car?
Czy ja mam przyjaciela?
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Have I got a friend?
Czy ty masz przyjaciela?
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Have you got a friend?
Czy on ma przyjaciela?
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Has he got a friend?
Czy ona ma przyjaciela?
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Has she got a friend?
Czy my mamy przyjaciela?
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Have we got a friend?
Czy wy macie przyjaciela?
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Have you got a friend?
Czy oni mają przyjaciela?
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Have they got a friend?
Tak oni mają
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Yes, they have
Nie, oni nie mają.
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No, they haven't.
Tak, ona ma.
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Yes, she has.
Nie, on nie ma
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No, he hasn't
Jest późno!
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It's late!
Czy na pewno?
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Are you sure?
Mam dobre oceny w szkole.
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I've got good marks at school.
Gdzie jest mój telefon?
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Where's my phone?
jego (kota)
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