UNIT 2 Wyrażenia

 0    18 fiche    agnieszkaadamczyk5
Télécharger mP3 Imprimer jouer consultez
question réponse
get back on The straight and narrow
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wrócić na dobrą drogę
come as a shock
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być szokiem
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come to his aid
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przyjść z pomocą
going through A bit of A rough path
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przechodzić ciężki okres
To keep an eye on sb
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pilnować kogoś
spark interest
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wzbudzić zainteresowanie
collaborate with sb on a project
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współpracować z kimś w sprawie projektu
To be on speaking terms
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być na ty
make it awkward
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sprawiają, że jest to niezręczne
on first-name terms
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na po imieniu
To see eye to eye with sb
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zgodzić się
get on each other's nerves
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działać sobie na nerwy
put sb at his ease
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To make sb feel calm and relaxed
keep yourself to yourself
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nie być zbyt gadatliwym
pull your weight
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To work as hard as other people in team
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