unit 2 speaking bank and writing bank

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question réponse
spotkalismy sie tutaj, zeby omowic pomysly na
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so we're here to discuss ideas for...
a moze zorganizowac...?
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what about organising...?
musimy zdecydowac, jak wypromowac to wydarzenie.
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we need to decide how to promote the event.
raczej sie z tym nie zgadzam, poniewaz
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i'm not sure i agree because...
to wspanialy pomysl!
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that's an excellent idea!
ok, w tej kwestii sie zgadzamy.
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ok, we're in agreement about that.
nie moge sie z tym zgodzic.
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oh no, i can't go along with that.
zgadzam sie z toba, jesli masz na mysli to, ze...
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I'm with you, though, if you mean...
byloby swietnie.
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that would be great.
to powinno sie sprawdzic.
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that should work.
wydaje mi sie, ze...
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I would think that...
wydaje mi sie, ze wszyscy beda mniej zajeci...
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I'd imagine that everyone will be less busy...
czy nie lepiej byloby...?
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wouldn't it be better to...
co bys powiedzial, gdybysmy zorganizowali to w nastepnym tygodniu?
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what would you think of doing it during the second week?
przypuszczalbym, ze bedzie zarezerwowany...
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i'd have thought that it would be pretty booked up...
jak wolalbys...?
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how would you prefer to ...?
ok, jesli mozesz zapisac nasze pomysly, to...
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ok, if you wouldn't mind typing up our ideas...
na poczatku, pierwotnie, poczatkowo, pewnego dnia
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in the beginning, originally, initially, one day
w ciagu paru dni, blyskawicznie, zaraz porem
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within days, in no time, soon afterwards
kiedy, jak tylko, zaraz potem, w chwili, gdy
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when, as soon as, it wasn't long before, the moment
ostatecznie, w koncu
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in the end, finally, eventually
dotad, do tej chwili, do momentu, gdy, zanim
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by then, until that moment, till the time when, by the time
po pierwsze, najpierw, na poczatek, przede wszystkim
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first of all, in the first place, firstly, to begin with, first and foremost
ponadto, oprocz tego, co wiecej
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furthermore, additionally, besides this, moreover
podsumowujac, ogolnie rzecz biorac
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in conclusion, to conclude, to sum up, to recap, all in all

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