Unit 2 (e, f, g)

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question réponse
be on the fence (about sth)
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być niezdecydowanym (w jakiejś kwestii))
be on the right track/wrong track
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być na dobrej/złej drodze
be spot on
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trafić w dziesiątkę
be torn between
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być rozdartym między/niezdecydowanym
get a grant
The businessman got a grant from the EU to start his own company.
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otrzymać dofinansowanie
get your own idea off the ground
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zrealizuj swój własny pomysł
go with
She went with my plan.
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grab sb
I believe the message should be short in order to grab attention.
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przyciągnąć czyjąś uwagę
have second thoughts
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mieć drugie przemyślenia
make an impact
The product made a huge impact on the market.
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wpłynąć na coś
make up your mind
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podjąć decyzję
put your finger on something
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znaleźć przyczynę czegoś
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jednorazowego użytku
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wielokrotnego użytku
average customer
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przeciętny klient
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część garderoby
go on display
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zostać wystawionym/udostępnionym
I prefer purchasing online to going from shop to shop.
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set up the business
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założyć firmę
address a problem
The PM declared to address the problem of rising crime.
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zająć się problemem
I met him in the yogurt aisle at the supermarket.
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alejka w sklepie
as a matter of urgency
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w trybie pilnym
You don't have to bother about me. I'm a big boy.
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zaniepokojony, zmartwiony
cut down on sth
He's trying to cut down on smoking.
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ograniczyć coś
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oddzielić, oderwać
devise a solution
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wymyślić rozwiązanie
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draw (sb's) attention to sth
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zwracać uwagę na coś
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express your concern about sth
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wyrazić swoje zaniepokojenie czymś
find sth unacceptable
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znaleźć coś niedopuszczalnego
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wysypisko śmieci
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tackle a problem
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stawić czoła problemowi
urge sb to sth
The boss urged the workers to finish the project that day.
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nakłaniać kogoś do czegoś
with regard to sth
I'd like to speak to you with regard to your exam results.
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w odniesieniu do czegoś
And yet he's decided to go ahead, regardless.
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pomimo tego

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