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commencer à apprendre
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pozyskanie zielonego biznesu commencer à apprendre
acquiring a green business
przewidywanie i prawdopodobieństwo commencer à apprendre
prediction and probability
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to take over another company
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scalenie / fuzja inkorporacyjna commencer à apprendre
two or more companies joining to form a larger company
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when a company's top executives buy the company work for
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a business activity on which two or more companies have invested together
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offer money for shares in a company
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założyć spółkę joint venture commencer à apprendre
to set up a joint venture
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wziąć udział w interesach commencer à apprendre
to take a stake in business
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to reconsider a tie-up with
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nie zgodzić się na warunki commencer à apprendre
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zaoferować udział za 100 procent commencer à apprendre
to offer a share for 100 per cent
oferować premię w wysokości 5 procent commencer à apprendre
to offer a premium of 5 percent
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there's no chance of the merger taking place
spłacimy pożyczkę do grudnia commencer à apprendre
we will have paid back the loan by December