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sad and tending to cry easily Weddings always made her feel weepy
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including all, or almost all, the items, details, facts, information, etc., that may be involved You are advised to take out comprehensive insurance
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worried or frightened that something unpleasant may happen; gdy wiemy czego sie boimy The long delay had made me quite apprehensive.
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zaniepokojony, zniecierpliwiony feeling worried or nervous; gdy boimy się czegoś nieznanego I felt very anxious and depressed about the future.
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crying, or about to cry He answered in a tearful voice.
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very pleased She was delighted by the news of the wedding.
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biedny / nieszczęśliwy / załamany very unhappy or uncomfortable She knows how to make life miserable for her employees
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very happy and excited because of something good that has happened, or will happen They were elated at the result
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very excited and pleased He was thrilled at the prospect of seeing them again
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nervous or worried, and unable to relax Don't be so tense, chill out.
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to be nervous, excited or easily made angry
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extremely happy or pleased He was overjoyed at my success.
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It's highly likely you'll die.
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The occupant is hardly likely to be moving.
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