unit 1

 0    16 fiche    olawiedermann
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question réponse
złapać grypę, zarazić się grypą
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catch the flu
złapać przeziębienie
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catch a cold
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a goalkeeper
rozpoczęcie meczu piłkarskiego
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kick -off
przepuścić bramkę
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drop the goal
dołączyć do drużyny
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join the team
odwołać (cancel)
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call off
dowiedzieć się (learn)
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find out
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hang on
wpaść na kogoś (meet by chance)
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run into someone
zjawić się (appear)
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turn up
You're kidding!
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Are you serious?
a load of rubbish
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very bad
What's up with sb?
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What's wrong with sb?
What are you up to?
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What are you doing?
Nice one!
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