question |
réponse |
The town offers plenty of opportunities for sporting activities. commencer à apprendre
Miasto oferuje wiele możliwości uprawiania sportów (aktywności).
commencer à apprendre
Ona jeździ do szkoły rowerem.
I can always discuss my problems with my sister. commencer à apprendre
Zawsze mogę porozmawiać o moich problemach z siostrą.
Next year, I'm going to do an evening class. commencer à apprendre
W przyszłym roku mam zamiar brać udział w zajęciach wieczorowych.
We chose Joe's favourite music for the party. commencer à apprendre
I never have any free time. commencer à apprendre
Did you go out with your friends last Friday? commencer à apprendre
I go to the gym twice a week. commencer à apprendre
Do you play any musical instruments? commencer à apprendre
How do you spend your leisure time? commencer à apprendre
You can see the band live tomorrow night. commencer à apprendre
I usually listen to the news on the radio. commencer à apprendre
an online teaching programme commencer à apprendre
He needs 70 percent of the vote to win. commencer à apprendre
She plays the piano very well. commencer à apprendre
He plays football every Saturday. | The boys were playing computer games. commencer à apprendre
Recent polls show that the mayor is still popular. commencer à apprendre
Each child wrote a report about their visit to the museum. commencer à apprendre
I decided to show the results of my survey by drawing a graph. commencer à apprendre
We spent the afternoon playing football. commencer à apprendre
The company carried out a survey of people's attitudes to housework. commencer à apprendre
Is the sports channel showing the football match? commencer à apprendre
w telewizji
He prefers classical music to pop. commencer à apprendre
There is an important difference between the two experiments we carried out. commencer à apprendre
modern jazz | a singer in a jazz band commencer à apprendre
Do you want to spend the rest of your life being unhappy? commencer à apprendre
a talented musician | jazz musicians commencer à apprendre
a professional photographer | a professional football player commencer à apprendre
This is an opportunity for you to learn new skills. commencer à apprendre
You've got to continue with your studies. commencer à apprendre
The average person doesn't know much about computers. commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
do gry
It was raining so they played board games. commencer à apprendre
One of the cards is missing from this pack. commencer à apprendre
the Davis Cup tennis championship | world championships commencer à apprendre
In games of chance, you need to be lucky to win the game. commencer à apprendre
The first player rolls the dice. commencer à apprendre
His first marriage lasted ten years. commencer à apprendre
chodzi tu o czasownik
The shelves are made of wood. | The bags are made from bits of old clothes. commencer à apprendre
Who wants to play marbles? commencer à apprendre
She's just a normal 15-year-old girl. | The library will be open at the normal times next week. commencer à apprendre
o osobie
This type of music originated in the 15th century. commencer à apprendre
pochodzić, powstawać, pojawiać się w jakimś czasie w przeszłości
The cards in this pack have pictures on the back. commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
We went to lots of places when we visited Paris. commencer à apprendre
one of the top tennis players commencer à apprendre
a crossword puzzle | a jigsaw puzzle commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
w grze, meczu
The dog was white with black spots. commencer à apprendre
np. u psa
The player with the white pieces starts in a game of chess. commencer à apprendre
What's your strategy going to be for winning the election? commencer à apprendre
Walking up and down stairs is good exercise. | You can do special exercises to make your back stronger. commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
How long does your journey to school take? commencer à apprendre
tu: czas dotarcia, np do szkoły
You can now get these fruits in your local supermarket. commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
She took the children to play in the park. commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
We're hoping to visit Rome while we're in Italy. commencer à apprendre
She threw a tennis ball at me. commencer à apprendre
He threw the paper into the wire basket in the corner. commencer à apprendre
He's reading the latest best-selling novel by J K Rowling. commencer à apprendre
najlepiej sprzedający się
Our bodies need vitamins to stay healthy. | the human body commencer à apprendre
He thinks breakdancing is good exercise. commencer à apprendre
rodzaj tańca
a broken window | Their best player now has a broken leg. commencer à apprendre
Just press the 'on' button. commencer à apprendre
at the beginning of the last century | The rocks were formed many centuries ago. commencer à apprendre
My ambition is to be world champion. commencer à apprendre
Babies have very little control over their movements. commencer à apprendre
an 18-hole golf course | a race course commencer à apprendre
We went dancing on New Year's Eve. commencer à apprendre
A metal disc hung from the dog's collar. commencer à apprendre
The downside of the job is you have to work at weekends. commencer à apprendre
We use the most modern scientific equipment. | She has all the latest kitchen equipment. commencer à apprendre
We can't afford this – it's too expensive. commencer à apprendre
Freestyle football is an individual sport, not a team sport. commencer à apprendre
I felt better when I was outside in the fresh air. commencer à apprendre
All our furniture is old. commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
Lewandowski scored three goals in sixteen minutes. commencer à apprendre
Please can the class get into groups of three. | a group of islands off the coast commencer à apprendre
Simon swung his bat and hit the ball as hard as he could. commencer à apprendre
Cut a hole in the centre of the paper. commencer à apprendre
Eight people were injured in the crash. commencer à apprendre
Matt can't play basketball this season because of a knee injury. commencer à apprendre
The judges decided Mary's painting was the best. commencer à apprendre
He kicked the ball into the back of the net. commencer à apprendre
He's going to run the New York marathon. commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
The town is a mixture of the old and the new. commencer à apprendre
He was watching every move I made. commencer à apprendre
The north will be dry and bright. | the north of France commencer à apprendre
The school has organised a trip to the sea. commencer à apprendre
Her music is very original. commencer à apprendre
Fiona invited 12 people to her Wii party. commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
You press this button to turn the TV on. commencer à apprendre
public transport | a public meeting commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
We reached the other side of the lake. commencer à apprendre
Martine and her sister look very similar. | Your taste in music is similar to mine. commencer à apprendre
He works so hard that he doesn't have time for a social life. commencer à apprendre
Tonight is a special occasion. commencer à apprendre
Which football team do you support? commencer à apprendre
Dad threw the ball to Alex. commencer à apprendre
The winner of each race will get a prize. commencer à apprendre
Several celebrities are goodwill ambassadors from the charity to poor countries in Africa. commencer à apprendre
Don't eat high-calorie food if you're trying to lose weight. commencer à apprendre
She works for the charity Oxfam. commencer à apprendre
He consumes a lot of food every day because he takes a lot of exercise. commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
Some people have thousands of followers on Twitter. commencer à apprendre
w mediach społecznościowych
We invited the neighbours as a gesture of goodwill. commencer à apprendre
We got into the habit of staying up very late. commencer à apprendre
I missed the first day of school. commencer à apprendre
np. dzień w szkole
My nickname at school was 'Spike'. commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
He's got a wonderful collection of old Beatles records. commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
He's training for the Olympic Games. commencer à apprendre
Everyone who worked there was given training in first aid. commencer à apprendre
He's brilliant at acting. commencer à apprendre
My ambition is to be a doctor. commencer à apprendre
I need to go to the bank to get some money. commencer à apprendre
Please have your boarding passes ready to show us as you get on the plane. commencer à apprendre
The bad weather will continue for another week. commencer à apprendre
I'd like to take a course in acting. commencer à apprendre
Teenagers can get bored, especially in small towns and villages. commencer à apprendre
Many famous actors live in Beverly Hills. commencer à apprendre
My hobbies are playing the guitar and reading. commencer à apprendre
The hotel manager asked if we were happy with the service. commencer à apprendre
The new school will open in September. commencer à apprendre
otwierać się, rozpoczynać działalność
His car is his favourite possession. commencer à apprendre
rzecz, którą ktoś posiada
I went home early to prepare for my holiday. commencer à apprendre
The printer isn't working properly. commencer à apprendre
They meet regularly, once a month. commencer à apprendre
Hitler's rise to power | the rise of big business commencer à apprendre
My brother is scared of dogs. commencer à apprendre
A stranger approached him and asked for a cigarette. commencer à apprendre
Her suitcase is big so she can take a lot of clothes. commencer à apprendre
I boiled some water to make tea. commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
Jo has been interested in animals all her life. commencer à apprendre
The approximate cost of the building will be £500,000. commencer à apprendre
The city has a large Asian community. commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
The café is popular with young people. commencer à apprendre
What's the population of Tokyo? commencer à apprendre
populacja, liczba ludności
the rich literary tradition of England commencer à apprendre
We are organising an event to raise money for charity. commencer à apprendre
Pollution is a global problem. commencer à apprendre
Individual schools can make their own rules about what students can wear. commencer à apprendre
International relations have improved since the meeting between the presidents. commencer à apprendre
He wants to be a footballer and earn a lot of money. commencer à apprendre
Scientists are beginning to understand what causes this effect. commencer à apprendre
That was a complete waste of time! commencer à apprendre
Joe is in the kitchen making a sandwich. commencer à apprendre
The kids had all sorts of (many different types of) interesting ideas. commencer à apprendre
We took the children swimming commencer à apprendre
She's spending the weekend with her cousins. commencer à apprendre
Sam flew to New York for his brother's wedding. commencer à apprendre
the modern age | the age of new technology commencer à apprendre
You can earn a lot of money as a professional athlete. commencer à apprendre
It's important to eat a healthy diet. commencer à apprendre
a digital recording of the concert commencer à apprendre
My brother's a big fan of Madonna. commencer à apprendre
She was a wonderful figure skater and won the championship. commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
His chess piece landed on a white square on the board. commencer à apprendre
He received a medal for bravery. commencer à apprendre
She has posters of pop stars on her wall. commencer à apprendre
The tsunami swept away all the buildings on the coast. commencer à apprendre
the victims of the bomb attack commencer à apprendre