unified, to seize, colonized, it was colonized, it was divided into, resources, to raid, to scavenge, hideout, pilgrimage, to sigh, he has influence, despair, they were in despair, spokesman, convincing, election,

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They worked as a {zjednoczony} team to achieve their goals.
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Unified {ˈjuː. nɪ. faɪd}
The rebels managed to {przejąć} control of the capital.
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To seize {siːz}
She felt {upokorzona} by the rude remarks.
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To humiliate {hjuːˈmɪl.i. eɪt}
The island was {skolonizowana} by Europeans in the 16th century.
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Colonized {ˈkɒl.ə. naɪzd}
The region {została podzielona na} smaller administrative units.
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was divided into {ɪt wɒz dɪˈvaɪ. dɪd ˈɪn. tu}
The country is rich in natural {zasoby}.
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Resources {rɪˈzɔː. sɪz}
The army {dokonała najazdu} on the enemy’s stronghold.
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To raid {reɪd}
The animals had to {żerować} for food during the drought.
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To scavenge {ˈskæv.ɪndʒ}
The fugitives were hiding in a remote {kryjówce}.
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Hideout {ˈhaɪd. aʊt}
They went on a {pielgrzymkę} to a sacred place.
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Pilgrimage {ˈpɪl.ɡrɪ. mɪdʒ}
She let out a deep {westchnienie} of relief.
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To sigh {saɪ}
{Ma wpływ} over important decisions in the company.
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He has influence over {hiː hæz ˈɪn. flu.əns}
They fell into {rozpacz} after losing their home.
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Despair {dɪˈspeər}
After hearing the bad news, {byli w rozpaczy}.
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They were in despair {ðeɪ wɜːr ɪn dɪˈspeər}
The {rzecznik} made a statement on behalf of the organization.
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Spokesman {ˈspəʊks. mən}
The country is preparing for the upcoming {wybory}.
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Election {ɪˈlek.ʃən}
{Ma wpływ na ludzi}, and they often follow his advice.
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He has influence on people {hiː hæz ˈɪn. flu.əns ɒn ˈpiː.pl̩}

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