Under the Tuscan Sun 2

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a pig, especially one that is allowed to grow large so that it can be eaten
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You've eaten it all? You hog!
a wild bush with thorns, that produces blackberries:
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We carefully pushed our way through the low brambles.
a length of rope, hair, or wire, arranged into a series of circles, one above or outside the other:
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A coil of rope lay on the beach
a container in which water is stored, especially one connected to a toilet or in the roof of a house
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to cause someone to feel strong admiration of something or someone:
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He was dazzled by Rome’s architectural treasures.
obeying and respecting the law:
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A law-abiding citizen reported the scam to the police.
treating someone as if you are more important or more intelligent than them:
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I hate the way he's so condescending to his staff!
to cook something with the heat coming from directly above or below it:
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Broil the steak for five minutes.
to spread a thick or sticky liquid on something or to cover something with a thick or sticky liquid, often quickly or carelessly:
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The baby had daubed butter all over his hair and face.
a group of trees planted close together:
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olive/orange/lemon groves
smooth and soft, or not too sharp, bright, new, or rough:
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ALSO After a few drinks, he became very mellow.
mellow autumn sunlight

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