under behind beside

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nostra casa è accanto al mare
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our house is beside the sea
se senti freddo siedi vicino al camino
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if you feel cold, sit by the fireplace
i quadri sono sopra la mensola e la mensola è sotto i quadri
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the paintings are above the shelf and the shelf is below the paintings
sono dietro di te e tu sei davanti a me
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I'm behind you and you're in front of me
l'aereo sta volando sopra le nuvole
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the plane is flying above the clouds
l'interruttore è sotto la finestra
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the switch is below under the window
la credenza è sopra il lavandino
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the cupboard is above the sink
ero in fila per i biglietti e Tina era davanti a me
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I was in line for the tickets and Tina was in front of me (se tutti guardano nella stessa direzione usa "in front")
Jane stava sedendo di fronte a me al tavolo
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Jane was sitting opposite me at the table (si usa "opposite" quando uno guarda l'altro, e non si usa "in front of")

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