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zaniepokojony, niespokojny
(adj) worried because you think something bad might happen
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(adj) ~consern - worried because you think something bad might happen
I feel a bit uneasy about her travelling alone.
(v) to cry, usually because you are sad
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weep - wept - wept
(v) to cry, usually because you are sad
móc sobie pozwolić na, stać kogoś na
(v) to have enough money to buy something or enough time to do something
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can afford
(v) to have enough money to buy something or enough time to do something
I can't afford a new computer. Can we afford to go away? I'd love to come out but I can't afford the time.
trud, wysiłek
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We huddled together in an effort to keep warm. He was making an effort to be sociable.
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zdradzać kogoś
(pv) to have a secret sexual relationship with someone who is not your usual sexual partner
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cheat on sb
(pv) to have a secret sexual relationship with someone who is not your usual sexual partner
zakochać się
(pv) to suddenly have strong, romantic feelings about someone
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fall in love (with sb)
(pv) to suddenly have strong, romantic feelings about someone
grać coś ze słuchu
to play a piece of music by remembering the notes
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play sth by ear
to play a piece of music by remembering the notes

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