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polityka (zasady dotyczące czegoś)
(n) a set of ideas or a plan of what to do in particular situations that has been agreed by a government, business, etc
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(n) a set of ideas or a plan of what to do in particular situations that has been agreed by a government, business, etc
foreign policy. It is company policy to help staff progress in their careers.
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instrukcja obsługi, podręcznik
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(n) ~device; a piece of electrical equipment with a particular purpose in the home
fridges, radios, and other electrical appliances
odszkodowanie, rekompensata
money that you pay to someone because you are responsible for injuring them or damaging something
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money that you pay to someone because you are responsible for injuring them or damaging something
Most of the workers have won compensation for losing their jobs.
tętniący życiem, energiczny
(adj) full of excitement and energy
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(adj) full of excitement and energy
a vibrant city; a vibrant, young performer
(n) how good or bad something is
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(n) how good or bad something is
good/high quality. poor/low quality. The air quality in this area is terrible. All we are asking for is a decent quality of life. The spokeswoman says a quality control system is being developed for next year.
(adj) ~particular; used to refer to a particular thing and not something general
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(adj) ~particular; used to refer to a particular thing and not something general
a specific purpose/reason. Could we arrange a specific time to meet?
cichnąć, blaknąć
(v) If a colour or a sound ......., or if something ....... it, it becomes less bright or strong.
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(v) If a colour or a sound ......., or if something ....... it, it becomes less bright or strong.
The music began to fade. The walls had been faded by the sun.

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