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drat - Drat! I forgot my key.)
kluczowy, niezbędny, istotny, ważny
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crucial - Parents play a crucial role in preparing their child for school.)
zawiły (np. styl, tłumaczenie, argumentacja)
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convoluted - Her book is full of long, convoluted sentences.
miażdżyć, przygnieść, kruszyć (coś lub kogoś)
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crush - He sat on the bag and crushed its contents.
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aspect - I have to think of every aspect of this situation.
masywny, ogromny, duży
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massive - The government put massive amounts of money into the health service.
gardzić, pogardzać
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despise - He despised himself for being such a coward.
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mission - They sent their best people on a rescue mission.
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reception - He was at a wedding reception in the outside garden.
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rude - I don't mean to be rude but you should leave now.
nie zmrużyć oka
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not sleep a wink - For four days and nights I had not slept a wink.
wybawienie (np. z kłopotów)
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lifesaver - When you're stuck in traffic, a mobile phone's an absolute life-saver.
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potential - Have you looked into the potential side effects of the treatment?
transakcja (handlowa), operacja (np. giełdowa)
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transaction - Using the internet can significantly reduce transaction costs.
uprzedni, wcześniejszy
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pre-existing - The drug should be used with caution in patients with pre-existing cardiac disease.
wiązać się z czymś, pociągać za sobą (np. wydatki, skutki)
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entail - Such a large investment inevitably entails some risk.
eksmitować, wyeksmitować
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evict - A number of tenants have been evicted for not paying the rent.
upływać, wygasać, tracić ważność
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expire - Our lease on the house expires next month.
umrzeć za coś
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die for - That chocolate cake is to die for.
aneks kuchenny
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kitchenette - There was no response so I called again and walked over to the kitchenette.
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privacy - This man is fanatical about protecting his privacy.
Proszę przodem., Pani przodem., Pan przodem
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After you.
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wardrobe/closet - She looked at herself in the wardrobe mirror.
kłopot, zawracanie głowy
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hassle - My boss has been giving me a lot of hassle this week.
złamać zasady
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break the rules - When did you break the rules and why?
przeziębić się
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to catch a cold - Take your child inside, he'll catch a cold.
prowadzić dyskusję
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hold discussions - Students hold discussions, express feelings and opinions, analyse events
robić notatki
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to take notes - Taking notes is a good way to stay alert in lectures.
przełamać lody, przełamać pierwsze lody
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break the ice - Jim organized a few party games to break the ice when people first arrived.
uważać, uważnie słuchać
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pay attention - Why don't you pay attention to what I say?

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